What NON-POLITICAL, NON-RELIGIOUS Headlines Are You Following?

Plane passenger racked up $400 bill after failing to put phone on flight mode

The man was flying from Ireland to the US with Irish carrier, Aer Lingus, when he put his phone away in the overhead compartment. He told the Irish Times he couldn't believe it when he received a bill from his phone provider, AT&T, few weeks later, for $400!

AT&T told the publication that the bill was due to “antennas installed on the plane that operate outside an unlimited international roaming plan”. They “automatically connect with phones that are not in flight mode and run up charges – even when the phones are not in use”.
Plane passenger racked up $400 bill after failing to put phone on flight mode

The man was flying from Ireland to the US with Irish carrier, Aer Lingus, when he put his phone away in the overhead compartment. He told the Irish Times he couldn't believe it when he received a bill from his phone provider, AT&T, few weeks later, for $400!

AT&T told the publication that the bill was due to “antennas installed on the plane that operate outside an unlimited international roaming plan”. They “automatically connect with phones that are not in flight mode and run up charges – even when the phones are not in use”.
I've heard of a number of other incidents like this. If I go abroad, I'm making sure my phone is in airplane mode the duration of the trip!
Now this is too funny: (article contains no religious discussion)

Kid Accidentally Brings Blow-Up Sex Doll to School Nativity


Last Thursday, a Scotland mom was embarrassed when she realized she had sent her five-year-old son to a nativity with a sex doll. Helen Cox, 46, says she purchased the blow-up sheep on Amazon back in November without realizing what it actually was until her son Alfie was sent home from school because of it.

Hey guys, does a tweet count?

This thread had me laughing all evening yesterday ...

"Have you experienced a petty crime in London?” chirped the New York Times enthusiastically on Twitter, which prompted a deluge of sarcastic responses from Londoners keen to let everyone know just how petty they could be. The US newspaper was attempting to report on the rising level of crime in the capital – a problem the Metropolitan police commissioner recently said was being turned around – but instead it learned a lot more about what was getting on Londoners’ nerves.

Some tweets:

Ordered a tea and they put the milk in first

Sitting on the tube, I absent-mindedly said "Morning" to someone who sat in the seat opposite. Obviously I went straight to the airport and am now on the run in another country until the London Metropolitan Police find a bigger tube criminal to chase. If that's even possible.

Sitting on the London Underground, and a passenger met my eyes for more than a second. Then he *smiled*. #londonhasfallen

During the Olympic Games, people would smile and talk to strangers on the tube. I still have nightmares.

A man in Lidl took the last croissant and I said “oh you’ve taken the last croissant” and laughed and then he offered it to me and I said “oh no I couldn’t possibly” so I got a Danish pastry but I really wanted the crossiant and I’m still upset that he didn’t force the issue.

My children were abducted by their nanny and discovered cavorting with a troupe of dancing chimney sweeps.
In the 70s Nixon dropped the speed limit to 55 during the gas crisis...this made everyone revise their thinking on speed. When I got married in 1980 and drove my wife across.country she saw her first 100 mph corner. Baffled she asked what.that was.,..slow to 100 mph to go around the corner (from the days.where many western states.had no rural speed limit)...but the speed limit is 55 she said... We don't care about that I told her, what we care about is the guy doing 120 slows down for this corner...
I can remember coming home from work late one night, back when the number 55 was highlighted on new car speedometers and dials were capped at 85mph. Anyway, checking my speed, I noticed the needle was sitting on zero. Just great I thought, a brand new car and already a broken speedometer.

As I continued, I saw some traffic up ahead and took my foot off the accelerator to slow down. Upon checking my speed I noticed the needle moving in the direction from zero to 85, 70, 55 and so on. I had been going well over 85mph and the speedometer needle had kept going past that number until it came to rest on the opposite side of the peg at zero! I had no idea I was going that fast. It was late and mine was the only car on the expressway for several miles.
It is funny the new speedometers... I recall burying the needle past the 120 (and once getting a flat, tearing down half a mile of sagebrush before I came to a stop) and now the cars only go upto 85...
Behind the times there old son. The 85mph speedometer mandate actually ended in 1981. By 1990 nearly all auto makers had switched back to the 120mph variety. I had a '90 Corsica LTZ with a 140mph speedo as did the wife's '93 Miata. Now them was fun rides....:)
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Yeah, NHTSA passed a bill in '79 mandating 85mph max speedometer readings with the number 55 highlighted on the dial, but it was repealed in '81. The national 55mph max speed limit became law in '74 and was repealed in '95, returning control of maximum speed limits to individual states.

Around 79 the feds were insisting Nevada put up 55 mph signs... They had balked for years since we didn't have hiway speed signs (only in towns) ... Eventually we put them up, but going over 55 was not a ticket for speeding, just for wasting gas....I think it was 70 mph before it became a speeding ticket.
I'm just thinking about the ramifications of impact from 100 mph, especially if the car hits a small child or a pregnant woman (you know who's "coming in second"...) Ditto hitting a solid wall/head-on collision with another vehicle.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine