Recent content by desert-rat

  1. D

    Scientology: Good or Bad?

    Dont misunderstand my post the other day . I agree with some of the basic ideas on dianetics . That repressed memories will create problems . I see it as going way beyond one life time . There are better methods of letting go of these repressed memories are past life regression , deep breathing...
  2. D

    Scientology: Good or Bad?

    I found a 2 dvd set at a local good will thrift store 1/2 price sat. on how to use dianetics .The set was like $1.50 I could only get part way through the first dvd . The terms kept confusing me . I think I will play the dvds again after a few cans of beer , it might make more scense .
  3. D

    Tattoo- symbols to have effect on a person?

    Welcome to the forum . On tattoos some look ok others just make the person wearing them look like he/she has been in prison for a while . you might do a search and find a forum more into tattoos .
  4. D

    Heaven without Spouses? Theosophy's view

    p.s. Zinga , Are you some one I know ? If yes email or phone . Also is this you . Past Lives and Soul Circles - Spiritual Forums
  5. D

    Heaven without Spouses? Theosophy's view

    A person was remembering his N.D.E. He met passed on loved ones . He asked his grand paw , you were married 3 times in life who are you with now in heaven ? the grand paw said there is no ownership hear we are free to be with who ever we want .
  6. D

    Spiritual question

    The floating in space part does sound like an o.b.e. We all leave our bodies during deep sleep and remember as a dream , if at all . I dont know about the woman with blue hair .
  7. D

    Heaven without Spouses? Theosophy's view

    On heaven , its a part of the astral plane . We create a "heaven " or join others depending on our belief system . On spouses , it deponds if they want to be there or some where else .
  8. D

    New Agers/Practitioners

    Many of the major US cities have new age/med phy. book stores , I dont know about the rest of the world . You could visit some and ask there .
  9. D

    New Agers/Practitioners

    Some new agers may be satainists , but I dont think vary many are . Pernsonaly I would have a problem following some one known as the prince of liers . Guys like Anton LeVey were more interesting in having fun and pissing others off . Guys like Alister Crowley , i am not sure where you place...
  10. D

    New Agers/Practitioners

    The new age covers a wide range of beliefs . Personaly I believe in God , the creative source of the cosmos . We have a soul , after death we either go to a level on the astral plane , or reincarnate , based on beliefs and karma . This link covers a little more . New Age A
  11. D

    Andara crystal scam

    I dont know if any one hear is using crystals , but if you buy them off ebay , you will want to read what is on this link , and the discussion from another forum . Mindat Mineralogy Messageboard Andara crystals? Something looks wrong here - Spiritual Forums
  12. D

    Reincarnation Within Monotheism?

    I see karma as more a self punishment , not from God , or other forces . On hell , people that have visited levels of the astral plane state that there are many places where dead people have created the kind of life they had when alive . Shoping centers , banks , schools, ect. Some had created...
  13. D

    Past Lives

    This is not my belief , but it is a great story . Two beings , God and a human that is ever one else . The Egg The forum where this link was posted and a discussion .
  14. D

    Reincarnation Within Monotheism?

    There are a few people with vary specific memories . I remember a story of this child that had memories of having been a fighter pilot in WW2. He had died in a chrash landing on an air craft carrier . The child had night mares of dieing in a fire . He knew the air craft from the 1940s . He...
  15. D

    Reincarnation Within Monotheism?

    I remember reading this , " you must be born again , reenter your mom's belly as spirit " I think its from the Bible , but I am not sure .