Recent content by Child of a New Day

  1. C

    The Horned One

    Well I do feel affinity towards the God and the Goddess. I am not sure what you mean? Not acknowledging both (God and Goddess by any name) or that the Horned One is the true God (image) and should be honored on Beltane? If there is something I would miss out on I am willing to hear exactly why.
  2. C

    The Horned One

    Thank you for your replies. Bouncing things off another helps when in study. I am reading a Grimassi Book "The Wiccan Mysteries". In this book he says "The traditional deity is represented in Wicca by a crescent crowned goddess and a horned god. On another page he elaborates to say, "In initiate...
  3. C

    The Horned One

    While understanding (long ago) that the image of the Horned one is in no way “Satanic” or a representation of the “Devil” for Wiccans. I, as an Eclectic Wiccan still do not view the God in this way. I understand that many do believe that to be the true image of the God (or one of the main). You...
  4. C

    The five pointed star?

    I have read that Christians used to use the five point star to symbolize the five wounds of Christ. Different groups, different beliefs, different meanings.
  5. C

    Mirror Magic

    I have a large collection of mirrors and would really like to put them to use especially the older ones. I just ordered a Scrying mirror from an occult shop near by. I really want something other than just painted glass. Mirror Magic is not my specialty so I was hoping someone could elaborate on...
  6. C

    help me become a proper witch

    I was just reading this thread and this is the first time I ever heard of Sigil. I know you guys must think I am just the fluffiest:p. Any way I was looking through a "Book of Shadows" I made when I was 14. I just found out about Wicca at the time. Never opened a Circle nada. So anyway it is...
  7. C

    "The One"

    Incase anyone was interested this is the part of the book I was refering to. Before time was, there was The One; The One was all, and all was The One. And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One, all wise, all pervading, all powerful, eternally changing. And space moved. The One...
  8. C

    Fluffy Bunnies

    People should be very careful what they say to the newbies. We will study, practice, educate ourselves, dedicate, be initiated by the God/dess, complete/begin the wheel and become a force to be reckoned with. We will ask and learn, seek Council and hope it returned in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust!
  9. C

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Hi Wicca Diva and thank you for your reply.I think you may have assumed that I was a Christian when I asked this question. I actually consider myself to be an Eclectic Wiccan. Some may consider me in the beginning stages of studying the religion. I have been exposed to it for over 10 years but...
  10. C

    "The One"

    Path of one, I think your views are really beautiful. I love reading what you have to say. It is always very inspirational. Helps each individual examine his or her own relationship with divinity. I read something you wrote I think it was about the trinity and it brought tears to my eyes...
  11. C

    "The One"

    I just finished reading a Cunningham book and he talked about "The One". A diety higher then the Goddess and God. He said the One is the devine source and created the God and Goddess and the God and Goddess created us. Then I think he wrote an invocation or something to "The One" or for "The...
  12. C

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Thank you for the feed back. I asked the question because I have read and heard many say that wiccans are not and can not be monothiestic. I have never really challnged anyone on it. I guess I felt that if that is how they see it let them be. I guess I still do. But it just did not make sense to...
  13. C

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Ok I have a question, could some Wiccans be monothiestic. If (some) Wiccans believe that alltough the God and Goddess go by many names they still are the same devine being, and if they believe the God and Goddess are acually one. Could that be belief in one God and a monothiestic religion in...
  14. C


    That's very cool. It would be a great BOS. Now I am interested in what it says. Also who wrote it?
  15. C


    Astrology is interesting to me. I think there is something that connects us to our universe and perhaps we are one with it. I am not heavely involved and do not run my life by a simple Horoscope. But I do think it can somehow be used as a guideline or for info. I am a Taurus and Stubborn too. :)