Recent content by earl

  1. E


    Being "enlightened" in the Buddhist sense isn't about being happy nor leads to happiness necessarily. Happiness may occur more often than pre-enlightenment, but 1 does not stop experiencing all the human emotions. One simply stops chasing them, avoiding them, or grabbing onto them. Enlightenment...
  2. E


    I've no problem with how Trump used the word "lynch." It's the other thousands of deplorable and yes "hateful" things the man has spewed over the past 3 years.:cool:
  3. E


    I'm with RJM in several respects. I don't truly hate anyone, though find Trump the most loathsome politician ever and that's saying a lot as I, too, tend to find politicians in general to usually not be worthy of respect. But, do think you used the term "hate" too loosely when you went off on...
  4. E

    Comments on Code of Conduct

    Aussie, I think that political discussions are actually more likely to stir up intense passions more than religious ones do and, therefore you're likely to have drama as you put it inevitably. If you wish to avoid the drama, you'd pretty much have to ban political discussions altogether-or at...
  5. E

    Attack on Synagogue in Halle, Germany

    In the US, there is quite a lot of criticism of Israel by the far left but not aware of any anti-semitism by them.
  6. E

    Attack on Synagogue in Halle, Germany

    Can't say I pay as much attention to these sorts of attacks outside of the US as within the US, living here. But, when it comes to politically tinged attempts to commit mass murders here, have almost never heard of the culprit being from the "far left." Now many of the mass attacks here have...
  7. E

    What is Masonry?

    When in high school was the master of our local Order of DeMolay, a junior Masonic organization. I'd tell you the "secrets," but it's been so long, dang if I can remember them.:p
  8. E

    God is with form or without form?

    Well, as to the bowing part, in Tibetan Buddhism there is the long venerated practice of ngondro which utilizes prostration, about 10,000 per day if memory is correct. Used to soften up the ego/self dontcha know. Not that I'd do much of that now given the age of my joints.:p
  9. E

    I cannot believe this

    I'm older, but not wiser. Those names mentioned were the gang here when I joined up and had many a conversation with them and you, too, 123.
  10. E

    Criticized from Within

    NJ, you may be interested then in Bede Griffiths: earl
  11. E

    What music are you listening to?

    Just finished up listening to some Corelli sonatas on Spotify. That is quite the handy site for listening to music.
  12. E

    What does Spirituality Mean to You?

    There is a religion that comes closest to my beliefs but doesn't match them exactly. But, I've never been all that big on organized religion.
  13. E

    What does Spirituality Mean to You?

    I can't entirely say I follow a particular religion, but can say "sort of." To me "sort of" takes it out of the strict realm of religion into "spirituality." I suspect the contemporary trends toward reduced religious adherents is due to the "sort of" phenomenon.
  14. E

    Why do you stay?

    Does seem like in the "old" days we had more frequent discussions of spiritual issues.
  15. E

    Why do you stay?

    Perhaps it's nastalgia.;) That and periodically get the urge to discuss things spiritual and this is as good of a place as any to do that, though don't have that urge nearly as often these days. I only recently returned after some years of inactivity.