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  • EternalSoul - in response to the msg you posted on my page about what do I believe happens to us after we die - I have no idea, and I am very comfortable in that stage of not-knowing. Cultures throughout history have held various beliefs on this topic, and I'm not sure that it is possible to know for sure. However, I am open to the possibility that humans do experience reincarnation, heaven, and/or nothingness. I choose to focus on living in the present moment and, truthfully, do not spend much time thinking about the afterlife...
    No babies upon death have pretty much all their knowledge at their disposal that were accumulated throughout the hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes they might have lived. Reincarnation is our explanation of why we need to rehash lifetimes and the reason for that is our imperfection. In theory, one person could achieve perfection in one lifetime but that would be a rarity. So in that sense all is an illusion especially "death".
     Hi, Eternalsoul, and welcome to the forum. I am sending you an answer via private message. Please check your private messages.
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