Recent content by queenofsheba

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    The Greatest Principle of Comparative Studies of Religions

    The object of man's life? Maybe there isn't any, but you can always live as if there was.
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    Race, Religion and Culture

    In my opinion, there was a strong relation between ethnicity, language and religion in the past, but today that relation is much vaguer. Religious borders are often different from ethnical are linguistic borders, because of all kind of historical events.
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    The Bible's Authors

    The Latin Bible is called the Vulgata, the Greek Bible the Septuagint and the Hebrew bible the Tenach. The final catholic version only dates from the 16th century, from the Council of Trent. The protestant Bible has the same books in its Old Testament as the Hebrew Bible, but in a different...
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    Iliad/Exodus parallel?

    I think it's a coincidence. I believe that the Egyptian pharaoh who gave permission was Hachepsut (1484-1468) and that the pharaoh who purchased the Israelites was her nephew Thot-Moses III. The Greek legends are probably based on wars between Athens and Troy or other city states. I think the...
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    Zoroastrianism: Abrahamic or Eastern?

    Zoroastrism has its origins in Indo-European polytheism. Persians called their gods "ahuras", while hindus called theirs "daevas". In Persian polytheism, the daevas became evil gods. There is much debate on when Zarathustra lived, but I believe it was around 600 BC. He started monotheism by...
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    To hell with Satan!
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    Could Rastas and Christians Really Unite?

    I just visited the rastafari forum for the first time. Today, most Ethiopians don't see Haile Selassie as divine and they even recognize that the genealogy tracing back to Solomon and Makeda (=me) is only meant symbolically. There is still someone alive who claims to be Rastafari's son: Mekbeb...
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    what is an avatar?

    This is my theory: A god is transcendent, so he can't communicate directly with humans. To communicate, he needs to send a messenger to men's world. This messenger can be immaterial, then it's called an ANGEL. This messenger can be material, of flesh and blood, then it's called an AVATARA...
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    Very interesting about this are the books of Siegfried H Horn. According to Ezra, the second temple was built on the same fundaments as the first. The Wailing Wall was a part of the walls that surrounded Herodes' temple complex. There are no archeological remnants from Solomon's temple, but it...
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    Money root to all evil.

    There is a great song from Les Go de Koteba in Ivory Coast: "L'argent va tuer le monde", meaning "Money will kill the world". Of course Bill Gates isn't evil, if it wasn't for him, this forum wouldn't exist. The problem starts when people become addicted to money and think it's the most...
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    Names of the Devil

    This is my theory: God created the twin angels, who received the special gift of a free will, which made them something inbetween a god and an angel. One chose to serve Good, the other chose to serve Evil. They are the Holy Spirit and Satan. The Holy Spirit created the arch-angels, Satan...
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    Where was Eden, and does it matter?

    Interesting: the word "paradise" derives from the Ancient Persian "para-daidos". It means "surrounded by walls" and refers to the Persian gardens. However, if I recall well, the word paradise is never used in Genesis? Theory about the snake: this is a typical myth in the style of "how did the...
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    What's meant by the Tower of Babel?

    The Hanging Gardens were a temple complex surrounded by walls. It was built between 800 and 600 BC. Apart from the ziggurat, it contained 7 temples for Marduk, Ishtar, etc. In the wall, there were gates. The Ishtar Gate still stands today: It's...
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    What's meant by the Tower of Babel?

    Great new theory about the Tower of Babel: When the jews lived in exile in Babel, between 587 and 538 BC, they must have seen the famous ziggurat with the hanging gardens, one of the seven world wonders. They saw it as a symbol of evil, which inspired them to write the story in Genesis. This...
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    Polytheistic roots of monotheism

    Influence of other religions on judaism and christianity: -Babylonian & Kanaanite: Creation, Noah and the flud, tower of Babel, sea monsters Leviathan and Rahab. -Egyptian: structure of the Temple, with Ark in the small backroom. -Zoroastrism: Holy Spirit vs. Satan (= Spenta Mainyu vs. Angra...