Recent content by theocritus

  1. theocritus

    Which religion do you follow?

    I follow no religion but consider my self a Taoist. I draw a distinct line between Taoism and Religious Taoism. /theo as you think, so shall you be
  2. theocritus

    Is God A "white Man" In A Robe?

    God is going to be presented how the presenter wants to show him. They are all correct because God is all in my opinion. Personally I don't view "God" as a him or her. My own preferred term is "source" and I see it every where. Looking in the mirror, at my children, or nature I see source...
  3. theocritus

    How connected is Tao with Buddhism and Confucianism?

    Yes, they are connected. I believe all religions and philosophies of living (like Taoism) are striving for the same thing, even if they don't know it. Some will always see parallels between them and others will not. For me Taoism is my path because it is the most correct one for me. Is Taoism...
  4. theocritus

    Jesus the Taoist?

    In my original post I was just posting the question to you all. I really am not well versed on the life or teachings of Jesus but that an interesting idea and was just curious if any one else had heard the agrument. A good friend of mine believes Jesus was a Taoist. He doesn't see Jesus tied to...
  5. theocritus

    Jesus the Taoist?

    To me being a Taoist has nothing to do with reading the Tao Te Ching or practicing any shamanic qualities of Taoism. Taoism existed before Lao Tsu and will always exist if text and ritual are here or not. In the bit I have read I feel Taoism is not a collection of text or rituals. It is...
  6. theocritus

    What color is your...

    This is a very interesting thread. For Taoism I would have to say greens and light browns. Wouldn't be able to pin point any one color. These colors are my personal choice and I've always been fond of them. /theo
  7. theocritus

    Jesus the Taoist?

    I've started a book by Stephen T. Chang called The Great Tao. When I first glanced through it it appears to be a comprehensive look at Tao in our reality. My question to you all is if you have heard the reference to Jesus being a Taoist. He is making reference that many Taoist believe Jesus to...
  8. theocritus

    Mithras and Christ

    I ran across Mithraism and found an interesting parallel between the birth and death of Christ and that of Mithras. Mithras’ birth and death happened about 2,000 years before Christ though. Two stories were found on Mithras’ birth and death though. There is the one similar to Christ’s...
  9. theocritus


    Kelcie, Thank you for your post. That makes a lot of sense and helps greatly. -theo
  10. theocritus

    Tao and God

    I agree with this wholeheartedly as well. Most "western" religions (i.e. Christianity) I feel loose touch with that and focus on these personalities or their hierarchical system that some have. You find that not all my post has my entire idea out. Personal problem I have with words. I'm a...
  11. theocritus

    Tao and God

    That is been my biggest problem in accepting Christianity for myself. To attach a personality to some thing such as God, source, Way, or what ever you want to call it seems very egotistical of us to do. At the same time it is tough for us in our modern society to not think of some thing with out...
  12. theocritus

    Tao and God

    Thank you for your reply. I do not question the existence of God (or what ever you want to call it); my personal choices are source or the way. God denotes sex and personality in Christian faiths; can't speak for others. Islam's word for God is asexual if I'm not mistaken. I only...
  13. theocritus

    Tao Te Ching Translations

    Thank you for the reply. That does make a lot of sense. As for the two titles you mentioned, thank you. Be checking my local book store or ordering online soon.
  14. theocritus

    Tao Te Ching Translations

    Thank you Vajradhara for the recommendation on Thomas Cleary's translation of Tao Te Ching. Just picked up a copy of The Essential Tao. As far as translation go this is quite different from the one I've been reading. Chapter 1 from two translations: Chapter 1 The tao that can be...
  15. theocritus


    Thank you for the reply. I found this title "The Essential Tao : An Initiation into the Heart of Taoism Through the Authentic Tao Te Ching and the Inner Teachings of Chuang-Tzu" with Thomas Cleary as the translator. Is this the one you are referring to?