Recent content by presser_kun

  1. presser_kun

    purpose through it all.....

    Lot, I grew up as a Southern Baptist -- I'm guessing that that's the brand of Baptist you mean, since it's by far the larger of the 26 some odd varieties of Baptists. It can be restrictive. But that's one characteristic of all religions, as far as I can see. Restrictions. I'm not thinking...
  2. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Methinks I agree, friend Quahom1. John is definitely the right choice of all those who would start the beginning believer with the basics. It sets forth the first principles of what it means to be a Christian. Alas, though, for those who have succumbed to the virus of "thinking," as have I...
  3. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    First of all, I want to apologize for coming off as vitriolic. I was a fundamentalist evangelical Christian for a long time, and am recovering from that. I still believe in the living Jesus, but not in a rigid, unforgiving way, as so many of my brethren (yes, they are still my siblings in...
  4. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    "John was written for the Greek Christians of the beginning of the second century. These recent converts were more educated, wealthy, and despised the Diaspora Jews who resided in their cities and who enjoyed the respect of Rome. John removes the offensive references to Jesus as a Jewish Messiah...
  5. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Yes, I do love God, as I understand God. It may not be the most traditional understanding of deity, but I use the name, "God." I believe this. All of them? There are many things of this world that I love: Ice cream, foliage in autumn, the exciting bustle of city life, coffee, snow angels...
  6. presser_kun

    Get together-ism

    Interesting thoughts, Chris. I see where you're going, but I need to know how you're defining religion so I can effectively communicate with you. The Wiki says . . . Religion is a system of social coherence based on a common group of beliefs or attitudes concerning an object, person, unseen...
  7. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Thank you, Dondi. Well, in part. To be honest, I didn't give it a lot of thought. Just decided to jump into the pond with both feet, and this was the first thread that caught my eye. Thanks, though, for accusing me of more intelligence than I often show! (Oh, I have it, all right; I simply...
  8. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Actually those tenets came from a published piece (a pamphlet and probably printed in other places, like magazines) put out by the Southern Baptist denomination. I used to be a Baptist, but am no longer.
  9. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Thank you - you, too Alvaro. That, I think, is the reason we have questions such as What defines a Christian? I've had Evangelical Fundamentalist Christians (or EFC's, as I like to call them) become upset with me for statements like this. They think that if you don't subscribe to the Five...
  10. presser_kun

    What defines a Christian?

    Hello. I was once active here, though only for a bit. I hope to be more regular here now that my life has settled down somewhat. This is probably a simplistic answer to the principal question, What defines a Christian? But it's the answer that seems best to me. A Christian is one who follows...
  11. presser_kun

    What do we know about God?

    Friends, I am grateful for your responses to my last post or two. I want to answer, and in a bit of detail, too. But I cannot for the next two days (unless I'm lucky). Work will consume me. Just wanted you to know I wasn't turning a deaf ear to your warmth and responsiveness. Ja ne!* press...
  12. presser_kun

    What do we know about God?

    I find this very interesting, Dondi. I started doubting whether there is a God about two years ago, after a lifetime of earnestly believing in God, praying many times a day, and depending on God for my - well, my everything. I've had ups and downs in these two years, but just as many positive...
  13. presser_kun

    What do we know about God?

    Thanks for your thoughtful reply, Dondi. It's obvious that you have a deep relationship with God. There is a lot of warmth in the way you describe your prayer life. Are the events you describe coincidences, as you suggest they may be? I don't know. Perhaps they simply are what they are, and it...
  14. presser_kun

    What do we know about God?

    No apologies needed. I appreciate the detailed response. I have to tend to errands now (it's 11:16a here), but have saved your post for a thoughtful re-reading and pondering - as I did with your earlier one. I'll respond in due course. peace to all who are working through this thread. press
  15. presser_kun

    What do we know about God?

    Dear Q: Logic doesn't state this. Mathematicians, however state that Pi is an infinite decimal, not that a man can calculate it into infinity. Here are exerpts from: --------------------- Pi is an infinite decimal. Unlike numbers such as 3, 9.876...