Recent content by Jeff

  1. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    Saltmeister, You are right i do not beleive in a afterlife. i believe this as strongly as you beleive that there is one, and there is our problem. you think that it is ok to impose your beleifs on other people, which is never a good thing, but when you beleifes involve wiping whole races of...
  2. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    Re: Reality, Logic and Superstitious Nonsense The veiws expressed by many people here have done nothing more but to further shake my faith in religion. Genocide is wrong, nothing any of you can say can change this fact. you can try to justifiy genocide( or should I say ritual cleansing) and...
  3. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    It is this idea that God favors certain races of people more than others that has lead to so many horribal acts in the name of religion. The holocaust, The Crusades, were both justified by religion. "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator...
  4. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    Saltmeister, before we begin let me tell you that for most of my life I have been a practicing Christian, and while I have not read the entire Bible, I have read enough of it to see some of the contradictions. What I see as contradictory morals are the horrible actions of the god in the Old...
  5. J

    Are atheists shallow?

    while yes some atheist do beleive that we exist to reproduce, they are a very small minority, most athiests i know, which happens to be qutie a few, belong to a group that believes that everyone should enjoy life as much as possible for the short time we have to do so. while you may deem such...
  6. J

    Money root to all evil.

    I dont not believe that money is the root of all evil, I believe human nature is. Money was invented by humans so while it is not the "root" of evil i beleive it helps to perpetuate many of the evil things that go on in this world. The want of money leads to theivery and violence The lack...
  7. J

    Are atheists shallow?

    First off, Everyone (with the exeption of you i guess) needs some kind of proof to believe what they believe. Every one here be they atheist or religious has some kind of "proof" supporting their beliefs. Secondly, let me explain to you what I, being an atheist, believe. I do not believe that...
  8. J

    Are atheists shallow?

    I agree 100%. Many "Christians" I know refuse to even discuss relgion with me seriously, they don't allow for one inch of speculation or thought to be applied to their idea of religion.
  9. J

    Are atheists shallow?

    I must say that some of the generalizations you draw bother me thats all i have to say Not all athiests are shallow not all christians are deep These kinds of steriotypes dont help any one
  10. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    well of course we'll never really know what they were thinking or why they wrote, but we can speculate. im sure when they wrote it they truly beleived that they were writing the truth, as were the authors of all other religious texts. but just becasue they thought that they were writing the...
  11. J

    Bible inspired by God or just written by man?

    well i think that the bible was simply written by men. of course i have no real evidence to support my claim, and you have no evidence to support yours so its really hard to debate this issue. Prehaps if the bible had been written by some god it would not contridict it self so many times. the...
  12. J

    Creationism or evolution?

    Thanks for the link. This is one of my favorite topics to think and wonder about. i beleive that evolution is correct, but i am still intriuged by other peoples opinions on this matter.
  13. J

    juantoo3's comments in 'Proofs for God's Non-Existence' thread

    Juan, You must excuse me for i might be misunderstaning your point, do you mean to say that most religons do not veiw rape, murder and other things of that sort as immoral acts.
  14. J

    Creationism or evolution?

    Creationism or evolution, What are your opinions?
  15. J

    Fear of religion

    Just because something scares you doens't mean it is a rational fear (fear of the dark, spiders...). I do not understand the logic of beleiving in somthing just because you are afriad or dont understand it. Hammer dont be afraid to be Athiest, I know how it feels it feels. When i first...