Recent content by Chalice

  1. C

    The Great Falling Away...

    You are right - loving others is the hard part. I can't quite square away the covering over of other's sins, because those sins hurt so many, and once gotten away with, the sinner will sin more, and hurt others more. But I get the point. I just really feel that the "falling" away is going on...
  2. C

    Suggestions for Potions

    Dear Brucegdc, That is exactly the kind of input I was looking for! I don't really know the mechanics of spell crafting very well, as I'm a beginner...I could really get myself or someone else in trouble, and I don't want to do that. Here are my answers to your questions: "
  3. C

    Suggestions for Potions

    Hi InLove, I would be interested in speaking with you. I do not know how to find your email, or to pm, but if you can tell me, I will try to contact you. "If you are interested, I may be able to help you. Feel free to email or pm me. I must tell you, however, that as much as I respect what...
  4. C

    Suggestions for Potions

    Hi InLove, Thank you; you too are a beautiful person. That is what I mean - there are so many sweet souls out there, that deserve to be given a chance as a friend, and loved. I like having friends that think completely differently than I do - that makes my life exciting, interesting and gives...
  5. C

    Suggestions for Potions

    Hi bgruagach! I knew you would answer my question! First of all, I do not want to make anyone mad at me or dishonor anyones spirituality by offering "potions" with my psychic readings. I would be very uncomfortable doing that. Since I am out in public at a party store specifically for...
  6. C

    Suggestions for Potions

    Hello, I need friendly suggestions from those who know more than I know about potions. Here is my situation: I did psychic readings for a party store last October, and it went over very well. I plan to go back this year, unless something happens to prevent it. This year, however, I am also going...
  7. C

    Attacks on islam by Christian Leaders

    You know, call me crazy, but I agree with you, and I think that the Muslim's who like and respect Christians and Jews (and others) need an "Evangelistic" sort of TV show that explains this stuff to the general public, I know I would tune in to a "preacher" type person who does a Koranic study...
  8. C

    Paganism & Christianity

    I think that by the "correct" or earliest definition of "Pagan", the word Christian does not fit, because when it developed it was the hottest, newest thing going, just like the resurgence of neo-paganism is now, leaving the majority baffled as to how anyone could possibly believe "that". The...
  9. C

    Paganism & Christianity

    I think your point is valid, and I never thought of it that way. But when I have visited with orthodox Jews on line, they are convinced that Christianity is a very pagan religion, because it mimicks alot of the obvious things in the pagan religions through time, such as the virgin birth, the...
  10. C

    The Great Falling Away...

    There is a passage in the New Testament that speaks of the "Great Falling Away" before Christ returns. I was always taught that evil people and sinners will "fall away" from belief in Christ at this time, but I have seen so much sin in my local church (5 years of adultery by the ministery, who...
  11. C


    I have thought about purgatory too, and I am afraid of it, because my catholic friends tell me you will suffer there alot, just almost like in Hell. I bought a Catholic Catechism and it says that all the suffering you do on earth is a way to take off of your time in purgatory, so you should be...
  12. C

    "The One"

    I really do learn alot from you Ben! You are very smart! You know they do not tell us this type of stuff in Church, such as time lines and dates and material that pre-dates Biblical stories and so forth, and I would not know where to begin looking for such materials, in fact, I did not even...
  13. C

    Paganism & Christianity

    If there are books about how paganism and Christianity are intertwined, then do you think that Christianity is a "type" of paganism, as the Jews first accused Christianity of, and many still believe? I have often wondered about this: Am I, as a Christian, really a pagan? Am I a blend between...
  14. C

    Church driving gay into Neopaganism?

    The biggest problem with "church" is that church can be a place where an individual gets abused for whatever they are doing that isnt "perfect", whether it is because you are gay, fat, not rich enough, not available enough, etc. But it is interesting to notice that alot of neo-pagan...
  15. C

    tevilah vs baptism

    I would like to know about why Jews do not think there is original sin. This baffles me a bit, but I know that as a Christian, I have been taught a different interpretation of the same scriptures, so help me out here, if you will. In Christianity, we are taught that Adam and Eve eat off of the...