Recent content by I am free

  1. I

    Long, Detailed posts

    Hello Vajradhara, For me, one of the difficulties in understanding how karma works is when people refer to "good karma" and "bad karma". I can understand cause and effect perfectly, when the cause and the ensuing effect are directly related - You walk on to a busy road, you get hit by a...
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    Core Values

    Hi Jean, While "Hinduism" is actually not a single religion, but infact a collection of multiple faiths and philosophies, I would say the following are the common core beliefs shared by most adherents of Hindu religion irrespective of their philosophy, or the sect which they belong to. 1...
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    CONCEPT OF GOD IN Islam and Hinduism

    God has given every person infinite ability to think and to feel. If there is a thought in our holy scriptures that does not sit right with us we are not "forced" to accept it. We are allowed to question and even challenge the scriptures. Ultimately, we need to understand God through our own...
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    CONCEPT OF GOD IN Islam and Hinduism

    Hello islamis4u, I will not be able to tell you if the concept of God defined in the Vedas are right or wrong, because I have not "attained" God myself - meaning I have not "seen" God. Until I do, I have to take the existence of God on my faith alone. Hindus do not have to believe whatever...
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    CONCEPT OF GOD IN Islam and Hinduism

    Dear islamis4u, The concept of God for Hindus does not come from religious texts. We do not rely on books to tell us about God. Ofcourse they do help us, but they are not the final authority. The concept of God comes from within each one of us and from the the gurus and seers who have come...
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    Christians are Free to Accept Reincarnation

    As a Hindu I find this thread very interesting. I had for years rejected reincarnation or accumulation of karmic effects as unscientific hogwash. I prescribed to the policy "Keep out of trouble and trouble will keep away from you" until ultimately I went through a phase where nothing went right...
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    How Much Did The British Really Influence India

    This is an interesting point you make. Thanks for highlighting this. Infact during the 1000 years of various muslim invasions, India never became an islamic nation as well, though we do have a very large population of Muslims.
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    Do all Hindus agree with idol worship?

    Hi Suraj, From your posts it seems to me that you do not consider image worship and rituals to be a viable spiritual path for yourself. I can appreciate that. But I am a little curious to know if you consider it to be a valid path at all? What is your view on the "bhakti marga"? Do you...
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    Do all Hindus agree with idol worship?

    Hi Redindica, It is interesting that you post the English translations of the original texts and to me those translations seem a little suspect. The fact is scriptures can be interpreted in any way you want :rolleyes:. Agnideva gave a very fine example how how differing interpretations can...
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    Do all Hindus agree with idol worship?

    This is an absolute treat of a discussion. I wish I could contribute much more, but I would like all here to know that I am reading and absorbing and really enjoying your comments.
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    Do all Hindus agree with idol worship?

    Hello Suraj, Thank you for starting a very interesting topic. You know, while I can see the truth in the above, I also totally disagree with it. What ails Hinduism today is not ritualism but rather a total lack of interest, knowledge and understanding of our great religion among today's young...
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    Do all Hindus agree with idol worship?

    That was a beautiful reply as usual Agnideva. I personally have never understood the fuss about "idol worship" because it seems most natural for human beings to need to "visualise". While I agree that the true nature of the Supreme being may never be truly understood by us, I also feel that...
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    Do viruses have souls?

    I really like it Brian that you can say so much in just one line. :) In the physical world we can so clearly identify the boundaries between different organisms. We can classify objects as belonging to one type or the other. I wonder if this is really possible in the "soul world". Do souls...
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    You know nothing about Hinduism

    Hi Agnideva, Oh I had not gone anywhere. I love CR and I come here everyday. But mostly I am a silent visitor.:) That is the way I see it too. I feel that the question whether migration was west to east, or east to west is irrelevant. It seems more probable that in addition to trade ties...
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    You know nothing about Hinduism

    I find the discovery that there was indeed a great Sarasvati river which dried up around 2000 BC very interesting. It does coincide with the fall of the "Indus civilization". Also it seems to show that the Rigveda & the Vedic civilization precedes or atleast coincides the Indus civilization...