Recent content by Samuel Linton Boot

  1. S


    There is worldly literature and art which distracts and leads man away from God and and there is spiritual literature and art which attracts and leads man toward God, similiarly there is worldly music and spiritual music. This is a matter of common sense which has also been given to us by God...
  2. S

    Hinduism on Yahweh and Abrahamic Religions

    Namaste Agnideva, I am grateful to you for providing me with an alternative perspective on this information as my source presents it as irrefutable evidence I know your right about the Puranas having been added to throughout the ages infact this is encouraged in a passage in the Bhagavata...
  3. S

    Does the bible refer to Hindu epics?

    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4 (King James Version) What's this about?
  4. S

    Hinduism on Yahweh and Abrahamic Religions

    This is a translated extract, which refers to Jesus (Isa), from the Hindu Scritpture the BHAVISHYA MAHA PURANA the ninth of the eighteen major puranas, said to have been compiled in the year 115 AD. For more info. check...
  5. S


    Yes I read the thread and I find no proof. I reject your interpretation and the quoted scholars interpretation of the Prophet(pbuh)'s words. Yes I notice there is a difference but as the human voice is a sort of musical instument and musical instruments when played by humans are a sort of...
  6. S

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Thanks, thought you might be interested in this: BACA, THE VALLEY OF: By : Morris Jastrow Jr. Frants Buhl A valley mentioned in Ps. lxxxiv. 7 [6 A. V.]. Since it is there said that pilgrims transform the valley into a land of wells, the old translators gave to "Baca" the meaning of a...
  7. S

    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    Namaste I don't know about Vaishnava Hinduism as a whole, but ISKCON certainly desribe themselves as 'qualified non-dualists' infact they say association with monists or mayavadis will ruin their devotion. Yes all religions are the one true faith.
  8. S

    How Much Did The British Really Influence India

    Namaste Agnideva and I Brian, I agree.
  9. S

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit I have trouble with this. I cannot accept Muhammed (PBUH) meant what he said in the way in which you understand, just as I cannot accept Jesus (PBUH) said that the only way to the Father is through him...
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    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit I first came across this in a book telling the life stories of the ten Gurus. The story of the miracle at Mecca is related here as well as his further travels on to...
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    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit I was quoting the book mentioned in the original post. So I am not sure but in the course of answering your post I have looked at the relevant passage in the bible and searched 'Valley of Baca' on the web...
  12. S


    Where is this command from God or from His messengers (peace be upon them) forbidding all music? Are you sure you have understood it correctly? Are you sure? Does this include the bird song and the heart beat? What about singing the Qu'raan or the Name of God?
  13. S


    Are you sure? Thats not what I've read.
  14. S

    How Much Did The British Really Influence India

    The British learnt about personal hygiene from the Indians then years later came to believe they imparted this along with civilisation, generally, to the peoples they colonised. What Stinkers! Queen victoria for example is known to have bathed only once a year and she was the Queen, whereas...
  15. S

    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    I've come across Hare Krishnas who say this, but Swami Prabhupada said Jesus was a pure devotee who descended from Brahmaloka (Brahmas heavan). Although he did say 'Christ' and 'Krishna' are the same name coming from the root word 'Krista' meaning attraction. As technically everyone is an...