Recent content by soulatom

  1. soulatom

    Universe 2 calling Universe 1

    A cosmic trigger event is occurring on the 17th of October 2006. This is the beginning, one of many trigger events to come between now and 2013. An ultraviolet (UV) pulse beam radiating from higher dimensions in universe-2 will cross paths with the Earth on this day. Earth will remain...
  2. soulatom

    Death and Dying

    Thank you for such an in depth reply. There is so much to respond to, I picked out this one aspect as it touches on one of the foundations of how I view life itself. I view the universe as being structured the same way we as humanity structure our family unit. It stretches into all aspects of...
  3. soulatom

    Death and Dying

    [Ouote] In the final stage of life after death, we get a brief glimpse of our future life, then we descend again into incarnation and are born again, as a tiny infant. We live another life, during which we advance (and do not simply repeat things). After about age 21, in each new life, we begin...
  4. soulatom

    Death and Dying

    I popped in here for a look as I am usually just a "lurker" and found these stories refreshing and real. As a person who has faced terminal disease for the last four years I have given alot of thought to the idea of death and perception of dying. As an added thought to this I would like to...
  5. soulatom

    The Greatest Principle of Comparative Studies of Religions

    Re: The Greatest Principle of Comparative Studies of Religions/Interfaith Dialogue More than a million years before God “Revealed” Himself to mankind through Holy Scriptures, tens of thousands of generations of our ancestors also needed to communicate with Him and gain spiritual comfort from...
  6. soulatom


    I don't know why I even came to this thread...but once again I am presently surprised but something that came as an instinct response. I have very strong thoughts about astrology and how it plays in relationships, and a very interesting tale to go with. I for one don't understand the theory...
  7. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    I am thinking about Love as the invisible force that holds the other four known forces int he universe together, I guess that would be the Fifth Element for me.....ah other than Corbin Dallas' girlfriend, the flick, of the same name ....can you help out here. :rolleyes: s/a
  8. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    Hi Bandit...I like your train of thought, chess is a good metaphor of life. “There are only four scientifically verifiable sources of energy in the universe. All are dependent on atomic mass. Theoretically a force without mass can have no gravitational attraction; no electro-magnetic properties...
  9. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    Hi again. While I am anxiously waiting for you to elaborate on your hint, here’s one about mine :-) there is only one God. All other gods are simply expressions of Him. According to Stephen Hawkins He reincarnated in this “uni”verse via a singularity. QED
  10. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    All major religions say that God is omnicient, His Prescene is everywhere. Via Science we have discovered the whole universe is atomic. Therefore God must be in the center of every atom.
  11. soulatom

    Which religion do you follow?

    I have found that a growing number of family and friends are having a hard time pigeon holing" themselves into one 'ism' or another. For me what works is that to truly know the self (the purpose of all religion) and our relationship to God, is to become aware of a wonderfully radiant chain of...
  12. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    Originally Posted by Silverbackman Jaiket, Do you believe in the infinite? Do you believe in a infinite universe (or multiverse) in both time and space? Hi Silverbackman, I am new, but I would like to jump in here as this topic fascinates me. What do you believe in? Can you clarify multiverse...
  13. soulatom

    Hi, I'm your newest member

    Hi everybody, well this site looks like just what the doctor ordered. :D Hope to make good friends and share intelligent convo. My life has been one of soul searching and reconciliation of the major belief systems in the world. I have spent the last 25 years with a man who was a documentary...
  14. soulatom

    What do we know about God?

    Ever since the Nuclear Age began, the Lodge of science has hinted at intriguing flavors, regarding the up and down strangeness of atomic behavior. The inexplicable responses of subatomic particles, during scientific experimentation which seem likely to defy all the known laws of physics...