Recent content by BlakeK

  1. B

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Gardner never did identify the Mill House as the site of his initiation. All Gardner ever said was that the initiation took place at a house owned by "Old Dorothy." The identification of the Mill House as the probable site was made by Phillip Heselton, and that identification depends on the...
  2. B

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    What we have with respect to Dorothy St Quentin-Fordham, (nee Clutterbuck) is a great deal of direct evidence that suggests that she was NOT involved with the New Forest Coven, and a limited amount of evidence which can be interpreted as suggesting that she MAY have been involved. To my mind...
  3. B

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Raven and I have been at loggerheads since we both used to post on the old Pagan/Wiccan discussion forums at CompuServe, back in the bad old pre-Web days of text-only systems and 300-baud modems. He knows I don't think highly of him, (or any of his work, really,) and we've agreed, more or...
  4. B

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    I've got some serious issues with Raven Grimassi's methodology. He has a very bad habit of assuming that any evidence for witchcraft prior to Gerald Gardner's publication of Witchcraft Today automatically demonstrates that Wicca is older than Gardner. Raven never quite assimilated the concept...