Recent content by Druweid

  1. D

    What need do religions fulfill?

    I suppose that's one way to look at it, but it misses the point of what I was trying to convey in my original reply. I had not meant to focus on the length of time, or how far in the past, that mankind has held the concept of religion, I had meant to focus on mankind's ability to conceive of a...
  2. D

    What need do religions fulfill?

    Well, my initial feeling is that each person believes something, and what they believe is for their own reasons, and best suits their own needs and wants. there are many reasons people have religion, and there are many reasons that people are atheists. I believe that touches on one significant...
  3. D

    Which religion do you follow?

    The only accurate way I can answer this question, is to say I follow the religion of my heart. I could be called a great many things; Pagan, Heretic, Panentheist, Archtypalist, Agnostic, Deist, Universalist, or Witch. I resist labels, and it seems labels resist me as well. The tenets of my...
  4. D

    What do you look like?

    Greetings! Let's see, I had someone ask me last year about a photo of myself, and I didn't have any. She said I should just take a picture of myself, and i obliged. Now if i could just find someone else to take a picture of me ... ;) -- Druweid
  5. D

    The Day of Judgement

    Here ya go:
  6. D

    The Day of Judgement

    Absolutely! I do have it copyrighted, but it may be freely and generously shared for personal use. :) Oh, and I usually present that as being written/quoted by Th' Madman.
  7. D

    U.S. Air Force Takes a Look at Teleportation

    Um, it's been around longer than you think. ;) and here: Okay, so the TWC 1150 isn't exactly there yet, but we're getting close! -- Druweid
  8. D


    Greetings! Apparently I've been remiss in introducing myself. :o I am Druweid, the one and the same from CF (I recognize a number of names here), and am pleased to make all of your acquaintences. Brightest blessings
  9. D

    Wiccan spells and destiny

    Hmmm, reorganizing the plan of the fates? Let's consider the following. I am charged with going to a man's hotel room to collect some paperwork. Upon arriving, I find out that his room is on the fifth floor, and there is no working elevator. Well, my legs are killing me from all the walking...
  10. D

    The Day of Judgement

    Another personal view There But For the Grace of Gawd It was unbelievable. I had died, and much to my surprise and embarrassment, here I sit before the proverbial throne of judgement as my entire life is put under the harshest scrutiny. Each and every decision, choice, and action I have...
  11. D

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    I apologize for the confusion. I was trying to recall Gradner's exact quote, and I should have paraphrased. Though we now know that a Witch and a Wiccan are two different people, within Gardner's writings, witch and Wiccan were synonymous. -- Druweid
  12. D

    Wicca / Monothiestic ?????

    Greetings! I know exactly what you are talking about because my veiw of the Divine is very similar (though I, myself, am not Wiccan). What you are describing is called "Archtypalism." It's drawn from the definition of "Archtype" as presented by Carl Jung, and although technically it is more...