Recent content by Booko

  1. B

    Jesus (pbuh) - failed Prophet

    Hi Dondi: Actually Original Sin in the sense it is usually mean is present only in the beliefs of the Western Church. The Orthodox churches do not subscribe to that belief. This article may be of help: OCA - Q & A - St. Augustine & Original Sin I didn't want to drag the thread off topic any...
  2. B

    A problem?

    Why so? There are a number of Christian sects here in the South that have standards that do not include smoking, but the tobacco industry has never had a propaganda campaign against them. We are not an active force in trying to wipe out alcohol use. We simply choose not to use it ourselves...
  3. B

    Which religion do you follow?

    Asians do it all the time. Many them think we're odd because we insist on choosing only one, which means you miss out on the wisdom of others.
  4. B

    A problem?

    Uh, gee Bruce, you make it sound like we're subject to shotgun weddings, but I know that's not what you meant. :D If a Baha'i gets married, there must be a Baha'i wedding, though that can be as brief and stripped down as you like. And in practice if non-Baha'i relatives would be upset by...
  5. B

    A problem?

    Re: Ritual minimized if the Baha'i Faith: One of the members in our community has MS and is wheelchair bound. This means we have to be careful about where we plan events, as we have to be able to get her inside in some dignified fashion. Our community has no Baha'i Center, so it's pretty...
  6. B

    Are all religions a cult?

    Cult: n. Any religion I don't like. :D