Recent content by Matt Langley

  1. M

    Which Religoin is right?

    Well the unique part... all I have to say is ... duh. Honestly who said his teachings were unique. I mean he taught common sense to a world of people who overlook common sense.
  2. M

    Which Religoin is right?

    In another thread you said this to me: lol very true. In this exact situation is when such a statement is even more true. I truly believe the truth and reality is objective. This means that those first two quotes of yours I don't necessarily agree with. To me I see the path in life just...
  3. M

    The magic at the core of all religions

    No offense inteded (honestly)... though this sounds like many experiences peopele have under the influence of drugs.
  4. M

    Which Religoin is right?

    Some very interesting thoughts and ideas posed in this thread. I guess I'm going to be the one going against the flow and say I disagree lol... ahh well :) In any case I value the conjecture and the thoughts even if my further words don't relate that well. I agree with some ideas, the Old...
  5. M

    Modern Churches puting too much emphasis on Jesus instead of God?

    Respectfully said... I see what you are saying. Though just becuase people use the word "true" and "belief" doesn't exactly mean it is in fact "true" to them and such making it one of their "beleifs". People state empty words all the time because they think its the word that give the...
  6. M

    Modern Churches puting too much emphasis on Jesus instead of God?

    Nope... in fact your definition proved my definition of it, I just find my definition a much more common sense one, though yours works just fine. Your definition from Webster (which is in fact how I derived my defintion): "Belief is the same as acceptance of true" Correct. Which is not the...
  7. M

    Can Muslims be friends with Jews and Christians?

    If Jesus can befriend a prositute then I think it definately teaches we all can befriend just about anyone if both parties are willing.
  8. M


    I would say yes to "please"... Though the bible makes it very clear that Jesus is the only way to the Father. So eternal life is only for those that beleive and follow Jesus.
  9. M

    Let's Discuss

    To me it's fairly obvious and the simlest of explanations. We have the ability and right to choice. We are not slaves or puppets that God can pull the strings of. We have every right to do or not do what God and/or ourselves want. I think we do. In fact I think that is what God is...
  10. M

    Modern Churches puting too much emphasis on Jesus instead of God?

    I agree completely. If you label someone wrong simply because they disagree with you, without evaluating your own stance and the possibility of you yourself being wrong, then you are in fact wrong in my eyes. Following Jesus isn't about accepting things, it's about beleiving things. To me the...
  11. M

    Why do people try to change Christianity?

    I think one thing we often forget is the context the lessons of the bible are in. We often try to force the actions and teaching into a modern context with no translation; however, the culture and common knowledge of the time give us a different perspective on some of Jesus' lessons. In this...
  12. M

    Your belief system is wrong and I can prove it.

    btw just wanted to add I mean no offense. You expressed some strong views that I disagree with and I posted some strong views you probably disagree with. I meant everything in a respectful but interested manner. I am enjoying our conversation and find your viewpoint extremely interesting.
  13. M

    Your belief system is wrong and I can prove it.

    The problem I have with this statement: "Further, this definition is somewhat different in the various philosophical disciplines." Is that it is basically an escape route. That you may in fact be defining "proof" and "prove" wrong but since you said the definition is "different" to different...
  14. M

    Your belief system is wrong and I can prove it.

    The thing is if you "educate" them on this then that would be the same as me trying to "educate" you that Jesus is your Lord and savior. There are many religious beleifs that flow from logic and reason, not all ignore the rules of the reality that we know of and can be sure of. Math is but a...
  15. M

    All truths are gods truth

    However those are not binary numbers so this wouldn't be a binary system. That would be like trying to translate egyptian with english characters.