Recent content by SpiritualHumanist

  1. S

    Is Tupac Shakur a Prophet?

    Tupac - I will give him good rapper. I will even grant an ocassional good poem. But Phrophet- Come on he was a gangster , rapist, murderer. He wasnt a victim, He made choices, he didnt have to be a gangster, no way in hell did he have to be a rapist.So there you can say whatever you want ,but...
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    Respectful questions on a difficult subject

    Homosexulaity is either forbidden or looked down upon in all Abraham( religions)This is intresting because Pagan, Hinduism, Buddhaism, New Thought, Toaist , Humanist,Vegans.They arent concerned with such things. Because God/ Goddess is a process to them not a dictator diety with an agenda.
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    Why Do Men Have Nipples?

    im sure god in his infinite wisdom already knew that he was going to make a woman after man so used basically used a basic likeness with commonalities. it would look really weird for men to have no nipples and women to have them, just like it would be weird for men to be bald and women covered...
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    Are people born homosexuals? Do homosexuals serve a purpose in society? By this I mean for the males, being born with emotional feminine traits does it aid society in terms of support for children and families? What was homosexuals role in the spread of aids and other sexually transmitted...
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    New Thought

    The New Thought Movement is a new prespective on metaphysical truths. Brought to us by Jesus, Buddha and so on. Not really Abrahamic Religion,