Recent content by marmalade

  1. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    This thread is the exact type of discussions I've been into many times, and it never goes anywhere. I don't know to what extent I understand you two, but I definitely get the sense that neither of you understands me. The kinds of things I've studied you probably haven't studied much, and...
  2. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Thomas, You didn't say anything that I disagree with much. I interprert differently, but I also come from a perspective of my own faith. The main difference is my faith isn't dependent on any specific text(s). I've been coming closer to a docetist view of Christ which isn't much of a stretch...
  3. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    I first want to say that I'm not defending Price. I just find him interesting. It doesn't matter to me if he is right in the same way it doesn't matter to me if the belief in a historical Jesus is wrong. My beliefs are based on my experience and not on the tentative conclusions based on...
  4. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Well, I thought it was kind of obvious that I was quoting one person. This one person happens to be a mainstream Biblical scholar. However, he is far from being the only one who holds such a view. Yes, it has been demonstrated as deeply flawed in the minds of apologists. The Jesus Seminar...
  5. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    I'm reading Robert M. Price's translations of pre-Nicene writings that influenced early Christianity. Price sees the early writings as being a mix of a variety of sects. In case you don't know who Price is, he was a Baptist Preacher who is now an Episcopelian. He is very critical of much of...
  6. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    There are traditions in Buddhism where Buddhas are treated as other even though this isn't the ultimate aim. And some Christian mystics have also sought an aim beyond a personal relationship to God. There is much variation of belief and practice within both Buddhism and Christianity. To be...
  7. M

    CONCEPT OF GOD IN Islam and Hinduism

    One thing that can help is that when you do paste something from elsewhere, make sure to link to the site or at least mention where its coming from. That way people know where you're getting your ideas from, and they can go check out the context you were taking it from. In this thread, it...
  8. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Relating back to the OP, here are some links to info on Acharya's site: Life of Buddha Truth Be Known Nation :: View topic - Buddha did have a "virgin birth" Truth Be Known Nation :: View topic - "Beddru is Beddou is Buddha" I'm just linking it for anyone who is interested. Acharya's...
  9. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Patti, I didn't mean anything too specific. I was generalizing, but Christians view God in many different ways. I was raised in a Christianity that didn't teach God as other. Snoopy, Marmalade in the picture is my boy kitty from childhood. My memories of him are some of my earliest and he...
  10. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    From Buddhists I've known and from my reading, I'd say Buddhists clearly focus on the internal thing. Heck, many Buddhists are downright obsessed with it. Afterall, meditation is the main practice of Buddhism. I knew a guy who practically tried to live his life in meditation. Its quite...
  11. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Sorry for my litle mistake. I meant to refer to Path. But I'm sure you're a lovely person too Patti.:)
  12. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    Maybe so or maybe not. But, either way, maybe considering possibilities such as these is still useful. Well, we're all feeling around in the dark in our search for 'Truth'. I probably agree with what you mean in that the archetypes are founded in the Logos of God. However, I don't agree...
  13. M

    Marmalade is Here!

    The thing is that with any forum you can usually find some nice people. I did meet a couple of people that were nice at IIDB, but the problem was that the nice people generally didn't stand up to the annoying people because everything is considered fair by forum rules as long as its not a...
  14. M

    Buddhism and Christianity

    I think that the reason that comparisons like these exist is because archetypes exist in the human psyche. Campbell wrote endlessly about comparisons and he did write some about Christianity. Campbell's Hero's Journey was based on Raglan's theory. Jesus story has been analyzed by others using...
  15. M

    How do you pray?

    You can also set out an offering, wait for Him to take the bait, and then spring the trap.