Recent content by jyanez

  1. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Greetings, Sure we do share a lot of good points, I'm glad such subjects can be expressed this way. God bless and I hope we can meet soon in some other discussions. If you find any I could add some ideas to just let me know. I'll keep on reading this one anyways. Regards,
  2. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Yes, however the Will of the Father is untraceble, no one can know this truly but the Father, many will say, I gave more so where's my payback and the Father will say I loved this one more than the others, and he will be first while others will be last. He is the owner of the vineyard and knows...
  3. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    I'm sorry you missunderstood my point, my idea is not a defense it's the way I see life as a perspective, in the other hand, I liked the sentence "We are not punished for our sins, we are punished by our sins" as well. I'll respond however each question in your requested order: 1. The...
  4. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Well, I appretiate your interest on my last comments, therefore I'll add this to my statement: Every man is a seed fallen from a tree in the middle of a vineyard, but there is one tree that is house for many birds in heaven, produces many fruits and never withers in winter, non of those seeds...
  5. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Well to me that last statement it's more a phylosophy rather than an analogy, in my personal believe we're all seeds, at that point it's already determined whether that seed is good or bad, but since there are good seeds and bad seeds then those trees must be sown in order to see the true shape...
  6. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    I agree with you, and I must say that your "puppets on strings idea" could perfectly match my first statement. However, the way I see life is that we're like trees, some trees drop good fruits others grow with thorns, and when we're gone, like in a harvest day, every good tree will be...
  7. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    I think my answer would be: "Free will" an illusion? No, since it's not a false idea, I do have free will to write this. However, we're not "Almighty", therefore we have no absolute control of everything, we can only make choices to create new, better and suitable situations, but this idea...
  8. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Hello, Remember we want to keep track of your ideas! This discussion is still very interesting. Regards,
  9. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Please don't make posts so large! They're hard to read... I have a personal said : "If you can't explain something in less than 18 words then you don't know about it well enough"
  10. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    Besides, I will add a personal experience in my family, I have an aunt who is mentally ill; once in the middle of a crisis she told the police my dad was injecting poison in her blood, when all he was doing was applying her medicines, my dad almost goes to jail being saved by the doctor...
  11. J

    Free Will (An Illusion?) Revisited

    As long as you think your purpose in life is to learn from life itself, you'll see when you grow old that such learning will never be complete because until your life's final day every second will deliver you something new, at a very moment when you're 75 years old you'll just sit and rest...
  12. J

    Which religion do you follow?

    Not only man made but God inspired. Anything coming from this world belongs to this world and will perish and anything coming from above belongs to the heavens above and will not taste death.
  13. J

    Which religion do you follow?

    Greetings, I think most of the problems with religions worldwide stems from the etimology of the word itself: [12th century. Via French< Latin religion- "obligation, reverence"] I will contrast this with Thomas, His disciples questioned him and said to him, "Do you want us to fast? How...
  14. J

    The Last Shall Be First...

    Hi, Your answer is yes, whoever is first will be last, and whoever is last will be first, trust me heaven and earth will end but this statement will be fulfilled. One day all things will become even in front of the owner of the wineyard, because that owner loves all of his workers. More...
  15. J

    Jesus, Father, Buddha, and Dhamma

    Good comparison, however I think we should make clear Jesus is not Buddah, both were different men, we could infer from that sentence that both had the same emanation of truth in them and that makes them one in the Father, and the Father is one in both of them.