Recent content by RiverMoonLady

  1. R


    Would you care to expound upon this a little? Why goddesses? Because they are female, or for other reasons? Just curious. :eek:
  2. R

    An Experiment in Listening

    Yes, you do, especiallly the parts which I put in boldface, with the exception of part of the last paragraph. I disagree that the fetus is "more human", but agree that it is more worthy of life further along in pregnancy. There is no such thing as "more human" or "less human" but I do see a...
  3. R


    :D Good points and great idea for the budget help. I would happily pay for legal marijuana instead of taking nasty prescription drugs for chronic pain.
  4. R

    An Experiment in Listening

    OK. I believe that very early abortions are acceptable for some reasons, but that after viablity, they should be legal ONLY to save the life of the mother or to remove a fatally-deformed fetus if abortion is safer for the mother than deliver or a C-section. The individual's situation should be...
  5. R


    I enjoy smoking pot before bedtime and on weekends, because it relaxes me and helps with pain. I had quit smoking for many years, but when I was on chemotherapy and could not eat, my children (adults) convinced me to smoke. It really helped to dull the pain and give me enough appetite to eat...
  6. R

    Death with dignity

    Having watched my father die many years ago from inoperable lung cancer - a process which took more than two years - I have already made the decision that, if I should ever be in his situation, I will definitely do something to hasten my departure when the pain becomes unbearable and/or when I...
  7. R

    Kidney Stones!

    I've had kidney stones (a lot of them in one kidney, causing much pain) that were removed by lithotripsy. The doctor told me to avoid tea and to drink a lot of acidic drinks like real lemonade. I still have stones in my other kidney but they don't bother me.
  8. R

    Life After Death

    The only evidence I can offer for life after death is personal experience, and I have had so many contacts with dead people that I absolutely believe that it is true. There is just something about the human spirit (soul) that seems to never die and is able to make itself known in various ways...
  9. R

    Astral Projection - Anyone experienced?

    I've been able to easily achieve astral projection through deep relaxation. It also happens in my dreams. I enjoy it!
  10. R

    What do you look like?

    I look very much like the photo in my profile, even though it is about 10 years old. I'm 5'-10" tall, voluptuous and have long, large bones. Blue eyes, brown hair and fair skin. What else is there to know? It is nice seeing the rest of you, as I am new to this forum.
  11. R

    I'm a lifelong cat lover and prefer strays and abandoned cats. Most of mine have been black...

    I'm a lifelong cat lover and prefer strays and abandoned cats. Most of mine have been black, except for one dark calico who lived for 17 years. Right now I have Sally and Rambo, both small black DSHs.
  12. R

    An Experiment

    Hello, this is RiverMoonLady, one of the least hostile people you will ever meet. I enjoy good discussions on nearly any subject. It should be a great experience to exchange ideas on this forum.