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  1. R

    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    I have already published 7 Plus volumes. just trying to promote the "subject" and giving away free PDFS. weirdvideos2008 at yahoo dot com
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    MYTHOLOGY: "a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon". Alternately, you may choose to believe "myth" is "a widely held but false belief or idea." True or false, right, wrong, fiction or reality (historical)...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Is anyone out there on "here" still interested in Comparative Mythology? Let's visit and ask questions. Let's get this thread going! ROSS
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    correspondences between the Fleece and some Hittite .... I found this: Professor Volkart Haas. He provide indications almost forty years ago that the Myth of the Golden Fleece was influenced by Hittite myths and their cult attributes. So scholars are referring to his article(s) from that time...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    If I read you right; "what allowance you make for Genesis incorporating text traditions from Sumerian, Akkadian and other literary traditions", I would have to say, Any and All texts, as Genesis refers back to all these times, and that all these references derive and speak of the Genesis events.
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    What NON-POLITICAL, NON-RELIGIOUS Headlines Are You Following?

    I feel the same way. I would prefer a more natural approach. Make the state stop controlling people. if a person is lazy and don't want to do something productive, they don't eat - as the AGood books says. Many of the wealthy should be prosecuted. BUT, before starting witch hunts, there are TWO...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    JASON'S GOLDEN FLEECE: A sacred garment of symbolic super power and divine kingship. It was in the possession of Aeetes, the Noah of genesis 10. I threw this together from a quick scan of my files: Notes on Sacred Garments and GOLDEN GIRDLE OF (REV.1:13) As to Jason’s quest for the Golden...
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    What NON-POLITICAL, NON-RELIGIOUS Headlines Are You Following?

    It would be an oxymoron- both can't be right; one is right the other wrong, but BOTH can be wrong. Let's take our pick. Well, all humans are partly wrong, but some more so than others.
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    Who created God?

    Oh GOOD LORD!? You still believe in things "created"? God created us, while we were creating Him, and this is been going on forever. ??? We all belong to an eternal "Intelligence", but we just forgot when we were born. So-In-So said, (About Jeremiah), "I knew you before you were in your...
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    What NON-POLITICAL, NON-RELIGIOUS Headlines Are You Following?

    AN: "The blank pages of the T-Roll next to my toilet." I'm SICK of both crappy lying camps. :o)
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    Ross S Marshall

    Thank so much for the nice "Hello, from a friendly opposite. I know a lot of people who cant believe in the contemporary definition of God. Most churches if not all are in complete apostacy, deaf, dumb, blind, haters of "seeking much council" and prefer their Babylonianism. I'm a stone cold...
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    Ross S Marshall

    Cool, dude. I have a good friend who is a smart synergists, a Muslim and Christian. He seems to read Arabic a little and know a little Aramaic?., and says if folks knew a little about this, and not the status quo interpretation, they could see how to put back together the Sacred THREE, Judaism...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Oh, I am sorry. I might not have been specific. What I meant was the "movie" Jason and Argonauts" by MGM?. The original story, and there were more than just one rendition, is fine. I meant the movie took some license. As to the Golden Fleece, I'll have to dig into the professor's works and see...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    OKAY, I went through and found and removed references.. Please if you see one I missed please quot and post so I can remove it. thanks so much- I'm getting old and stupid... :o) ROSS
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Ojh, ooop[s. I am so sorry. Im practically giving them away just to advance the study.. I will edit out all the references... Today. Sorry
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Boy, if I could get a hold of some of that, I would dissolve a lot of comical anthropological horse-crap...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Well, I have not found one yet that does a pure delivery. All move scripts are written for 'consumption", and unless you watch documentaries, all you are going to get are writers renditions and variations on the themes. In film, to have a GOOD film, you have to have at least ONE of the following...
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    FREE DOWNLOAD PDF of [1/2 of] Volume-1 "ORIGIN OF THE NATIONS" by Dr. John D. Pilkey.the first best research on mythography represented by this thread. I am limited to 1mb files, so IF you want the whole volume, you must contact me with a working email.
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    EUHEMRISM- Mythology as Symbolically Glossed History

    Post moved to Introductions Forum:
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    Ross S Marshall

    Hello; My name is Ross S Marshall. I am an historian, mythographer and devout believer in the Biblical Lord, the one whom we call (H,Y,J)IeSus Christos, and a student of the greatest modern day Biblical Monogenetic Mythographer, Dr. John D Pilkey, specializing in Biblical history. I worked in...