Search results

  1. AllenPapapetrou

    Who is Sai Baba?

    Howdy Y'all! I'm Allen Papapetrou: Bliss Master, Apprentice. I'm here at the behest of my trainer, Master Mi'i. My assignment is to find other Bliss Masters and to learn from all I share with. So, who is this Sai Baba, I've heard about? I've heard he comes in three flavors, or...
  2. AllenPapapetrou

    Chat Room Truth Challenge

    Aloha All Y'all, I present for your amusement an old riddle with a techno update: Environment: You are known as "Q", and have entered a Chat Room for the first time. You are greeted by the Room's Moderator, "M". M tells you the following: Greetings Q, Welcome to our Chat Room! Only people who...
  3. AllenPapapetrou

    Allen's Disclaimer

    Hi Folks, Often in public arenas like this forum I feel impelled to provide disclaimers for my writings. I'm using this topic to providing my ever changing Disclaimers. Everything I write is from my perspective. I make no claim to know anyone's truth except my own. I make up acronyms and...
  4. AllenPapapetrou

    Aloha from Kauai

    Howdy! I'm Allen Papapetrou living on the Hawaiian island of Kauai. Soon, I'll be moving to Hawaii: The Big Island. Why I'm Here I'm here on assignment from my trainer Master Mi'i. In Hawaiian Mi'i means: Good, Precious, Desireable, Beautiful. The Master is all of these and more. According to...