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  1. T

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    The bit on purgatory and the spiritual afterlife has got me wondering why Lazerus was resurrected to Earth . For example, when Jesus raised Lazerus from the dead, did he do him justice bringing him back to an earthly world if he had gone to a better spiritual world? If Lazarus went to a...
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    Stuff ya gotta know

    Hey All: I'm still on forum break as the trinity discussion and what heaven is about had me spinning circles with the same ol'. However, which one of these do you find interesting???? I found that 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321 to be quite interesting, I didn't know that...
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    Goodbye everybody and thank you with all the love in my heart...

    I just wanted to take a moment and thank you all here personally for being my virtual friend here. I have been sort of low on friends over the last several years with the focus on family and work. I read all your posts that come up under the Christian site every day and feel like many of you...
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    What is your favorite place to travel to?

    Hi: I was getting a bit tired of all the talk on war and thought I would change the subject. Lennon Mccartney '67 "And have you traveled very far"?... "Far at the eye can see?... What did you see when you were there?..." Here's our favorite spots (sorry about any mispellings)...
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    'War, is it for Nation or for God?'

    OK, Constable, let me try a new picture here. Your out on the USS naval ship, outside of enemy waters. Tension is running high among the crew. Young private comes to the Constable and says, I was up late last night reading Revelations and I am concerned that we may be part of the beast, the...
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    The Hummingbird and the Vulture...

    I thought I would share a talk I heard this weekend that I thought you may be interested in that compares love with nature. Look at the difference between the Hummingbird and the Vulture. The Hummingbird looks for colorful blossoms. The Vulture looks for the dead to live on. The Hummingbird...
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    Everlasting Life!!! What does it mean to you?

    What does it mean to you about everlasting life? Are we in spirit or physical form or perhaps some in physical and some spiritual? What is the New Heaven and the New Earth and how do they differ? What about our loved ones, do we remember them? If we do remember them and they do not gain...
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    Wedding at Canna, Jesus' first miracle...

    During the Wedding feast in Canna, Jesus performed his first miracle, the making of water into wine. John 2:1-11. There is something that really puzzles me about this. We read in the Bible that it is OK to drink in moderation. However, we know Jesus said fill the water jars with water and fill...
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    More on Love...

    You guys got me reaching this topic of love yesterday, now and I wanted to share some of it with you. It is sort of tempting to get into the same old dialogue about which religion is right, but the common ground between various religion is love. It goes a little bit further too. It has to do...
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    Why God Permits Suffering to Humankind

    God is not to blame for the problems that plague humankind. There are valid reasons to believe that God will soon undo that harm bought on the human family. God has abundant power and invites us to pour out our heart before him Psalm 62:8. Who, though, is to blame when someone gets sick or an...