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  1. S

    Does the bible refer to Hindu epics?

    4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown. Genesis 6:4 (King James Version) What's this about?
  2. S

    Abraham and the Divine Mother God.

    When God came to Moses with his charge to lead these fathers from bondage, he said that he had formerly been know to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name of El Shaddai. (Exodus 6:3) Shaddai, in the Aramaic, is in the feminine gender. In the Hebrew it has closely associated words that have...
  3. S

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Extract from the 'Critical Lives' book 'Muhammad' by Yahiya Emerick. (This is a good book by the way, from it one gains a sense of Muhammads (peace be upon him) wonderful, wise and compassionate yet human character.) (Page 10) "..Abraham built a large shrine near his family's well. He...
  4. S

    Singing is wrong but its O.K. to shout?

    I was watching a programme on the telly about the practise of Sufism (which apparently represents popular Islam) all over the Muslim world; the forms were different depending on the place but the essential ingredients were the same; their were people (even participants from other faiths)...
  5. S

    Not a modern religion but nevermind.

    The Hare Krishna movement was brought to the west from India in modern times by Swami Prabhupada but its origins go back along way at least as far back as Krishna Chaitanya born on the 18th of February 1486 A.D. who the Hare Krishnas believe to be Krishna come again and He was only...
  6. S

    Hello its me.

    Hello its me, thanks for leeting me in. Introducing myself its Sammy Boot I am the big I am, the big cheese, the bees knees, I don't have fleas, but my dogs do and I share a bedroom with them so actually yes i do have fleas but I don't mind, that much, because I've built up an immunity to them...