Search results

  1. D

    Kali Yuga and the End of Days

    I have recently become aware of what is know as the Kali Yuga in Hinduism. Apparently this concept is very much like or even identical to the concept of the End of Days in the Christian religion. In a nut shell the KY and ED are marked by decadence, moral decay and finally chaos. Many Hindus...
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    Godless Asians and Hinduism

    It seems to me that the title and description of this forum is seriously in error. When I say forum I mean Eastern Thought not the Hinduisn subforum. Not only does the title of the forum leave out religion altogether but its description "Buddhism, Confucianism, Tao and others" doesn't even...
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    Matrixism - A religion based on The Matrix

    See: Matrixism: the path of the One It is my sincere hope that Matrixism rivals the Jedi Religion in the next round of world censuses. How 'bout you?
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    Does the Baha'i Faith Allow Spiritual Medicine?

    I just read an about a recently published study involving the mystical potential of psilocybin. The study, done at Johns Hopkins University, showed significant spiritual benefit from the use of the psychedelic drug psilocybin. Similar...