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  1. R

    Was Jesus perfect?

    Something that's been on my mind lately is that a lot of people seem to think that Jesus was perfect. Perfect in what way? To me, if he was perfect, he would have been able to find a way to convince his Enemies that His way was the truth. Also, I read about Eastern Gurus laying on a bed of nails...
  2. R

    Earth from Outer Space

    I thought everyone might like the view: What A Beautiful Blue Planet!
  3. R

    What consititutes a Religion?

    Does anyone know what constitutes a religion? What makes it a religion as conpared to, say, a social organisation? What is the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is a "psychoanalytical activist"? I was reading the post about the Jedi religion and just thought I'd ask...
  4. R

    Quantum Entanglement and Repeating Phantasms

    I read an article that there is a quality in Quantum Physics that states that once a particle (or possibly only a photon) interects with another particle, they are forever linked in some (currently unknown) way. The term used is called Entanglement. Another article talked about how the air in...
  5. R

    Hello There!

    Hi Everyone, I'm Kelly. I'm a Reverend of the Universal Life Church and a Seeker of Knowledge. I'm currently of the opinion that a lot of Christianity is being misused and misread. I'm not quite sure at this point what my current religion would be classified as. Which is what brought me to the...