Search results

  1. chakraman

    Hall of Fame Nubuck “H Lightning” New Era Caps

    Re: Hall of Fame Nubuck “H Lightning” New Era Caps Oh, a storm is threat'ning, My very life today, If I don't get some shelter, Oh yeah, I'm gonna fade away :eek:
  2. chakraman

    aanybody write songs, poetry, nonsense etc...

    here's one i did earlier>>> once upon a cryme, i puked a rhyme in tyme that jus weren't werth a dyme, infested with lyme no longer great creasted i whyne as them crobes they doth dyne fall to my knees and i scream to be free "why hath thee gOd foresaken me!" Ahab'tastic, couldn't get more...
  3. chakraman


    has anyone seen this film? i have watched it before but this time now i'm older etc it had new meanings. this is not a subject i am knowledgable so forgive any specific faux pas'. for me the essence of the film was the fear-based actions of the church in relation to the discovery of the gospel...
  4. chakraman

    what is space?

    i read an interesting book called - occult chemistry, by well known theosophists annie besant and charles webster leadbeater. it was about clairvoyant investigations in to the periodic table. cwl would be given an element and he would use his anjic micrscope or third eye to shrink his perception...
  5. chakraman

    the best thread ever!!!!!!!!!!

    :D made yer look, made yer stare, made yer lose yer underwear :D :eek: i eat worms mmm....:p
  6. chakraman

    the virgin? mary, noah and adam...

    i read a while back, some of rudolph steiners "insights" into christianity. i am not a follower of his esoteric christianity, if its possible to be a follower of an interpretation that is, but i did find some of his ideas logical and interesting. the first pertaining to the immaculate...
  7. chakraman

    is meditation ecsape?

    heres thirty or so 6 - 12 minute video clips of krishnamurti the first one concerned with the above title, put your feet up and check them out. j.. krishnamurti -u g - Google Video
  8. chakraman

    howdy folks

    greetings to you all, my name is jason,i'm 37 from england. i've been on the lookout for an inter-faith religious site for a while - this looks like just the ticket. i don't belong to any particular religion, though i have read a lot of krishnamurti's books, which have profoundly affected me. i...