Well, maybe not so much fake, but maybe too late in history to be useable. Who knows what they say? If that late, then probably just some local stuff.
Even if they dated back 100 years, this is still too late. We must wait until they are translated IF possible, and But, just have fun.if they...
PS. Genesis is more accurate and reads more as historical than mythical. Whoever composed it was closer to the truth and probably was contemporary with or at least more intelligent than the poets who garbled Mesopotamian records. Genesis doesn't steal or plagiarize from Sumer. I would guess...
Science according to fictional Darwinism has accounted for a fictional prehistoric past completely opposed to and contrary to ancient testimony. IT denies the national testimonies of every culture on the face of the planet and can only account for them as "fiction" to stifle any exposure to the...
Q. "Why would you disallow the psychological aspects?"
I made a general all encompassing statement. Sorry. Let me clarify. What I really mean by "leaving out the psychological" is modern psychological approach that leaves out the possible historicity of mythology. If there is any psychology to...
RE: "Darwinianism, Anthropology, and modern Geological theory hate a literal Genesis 10."
Let me be a bit more clear: Darwinist hate Genesis because it testifies to a Creation of man in a shorter time frame.
Anthropologists hate Genesis because that haven't dug up anything yet, so they believe...
RE: "Your professor has built his thesis on one witness, only those who agree with that witness are allowed to participate or contribute."
PLEASE first explain what you mean by interpreting my Professor as using only ONE witness? This is a bold statement considering yo8u are practically damning...
Well, science is built on one "cultus" witness then. But, I consider the multiplicity of National witnesses (their heritages- mythologies) as more than one witness. No national mythography testifies to darwinism or so called scientific testimony. Maybe when dating systems are calibrated...
Welcome, and I must say your presentation is ambitious.
What are you basing your cultural ties on?
AN: I suppose any and all, everything we can get our hands on.
no Aboriginal Australians mentioned.
If you were to read all SIX volumes of John's work he mentioned them: I think I remember he...
The Sed Festival
Dispensational theologians have sometimes overlooked the factthat the apocalyptic millennium, as a fixed period of one thousandyears, establishes an order of magnitude for all of the previousdispensational ages. By rejecting the third millennium Flood and suggesting that...
The Wrath of Telepinu
The Hattian myth of Telepinu outranks most others in establishingthe Noahic pagan correlatives to Judaeo-Christian orthodoxy. In it,both Taru and his son Telepinu, Shem and Arphaxad-I, appear asstorm gods because the central theocratic power of the myth is theStorm...
Apocalypse and the Gundestrup Imagery
The logical connection between future Apocalypse and high antiquity is a truism of Christian prophecy and has been strengthenedby the American fundamentalist stress on the “seventieth week ofDaniel,” the concept that the entire Church Age is a hiatus...
[2] continued...
The Epic of Gilgamesh as Secular Archetype - Commentary
If the story of Noah is such a potent antidote to secularism, the Epic of Gilgamesh, by undermining the logical force of that story, stands as an archetype of the secular worldview. The epic replaces the reality of a...
PS. Sorry for the scanning glitches- words sometimes run together.]
The Apologetics of Noahic Science
Polygenetic Secularism
To those who actually believe it and understand its implications, the story of Noah is a devastating weapon against secularistic thought. It undermines the secular...
PS. that Bryant mentioned is "Jacob Bryant - New Analysis of Mythology"...
Wow, I must say I have a new cool friend now. I apologize for my lacking explanations. The professor could do 1000 times better, so... I suggest you read through his materials as I am sure I haven't accurately explained...
[PS. If you want and ask me, send email, I WILL forward 2-3 volumes of Pilkey’s books in PDF “FREE” for your reading… maybe all 7 volumes. ]
Hello,l my new friend. It's RARE to even get a reply nowadays =- so many steeped in bias, alternate theories, and the list is...
that's a real stupid "ontological" question... Outside of this Alice In wonderland lies a power-intelligence that has always existed. That's where and who we return to when we drop dead. Simple. You might question the exclusiveness of so-called creation science and leave g.o.d. out of the equasion
Well, we each can read it any which way we like but I try to "read" mythology the way it wants to be read - "So-and-So, begat whoever." " 'Mr. A" did this to 'Miss B'." If one puts aside the fantastic it reads like a simple narrative of events."
Modern mythographers are too extreme for me. It...
forums like this can be postings. But its a tight line when trying to give away educational materials and papers. just trying to disiminate materials for knowledge and learning. Im not trying to sell or make money. How can we talk about sources and ideas "without" posting the sources?
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