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    The WoD is far more dangerous and disruptive to innocent lives than marihuana could ever credibly be accused, much less convicted, imo. Your war is a sham. lw
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    Oh, I got it. Law enforcement..... Let me guess.... Your partner was killed while making a drug bust? lw
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    Sorry to hear about your partner's death, Quahom1. Btw what is 26 years of LE? (I don't understand the abbreviation.) I'd really like to hear more about how the death of your partner was tied to the ingestion of marihuana. I ask in sincerity and without meaning to offend. lw
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    Quote Quahom1: Perhaps not according to your research...but plenty of deaths have occured as a result of Marijuana use. Needless deaths. That is a false statement. More baseless propaganda from the war on drugs. lw
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    Btw....... Those with the most to lose by the legalization of cannabis here in the U$ would be textile, paper producers and LAW ENFORCEMENT, imo. The gvt here in the U$ throws a ton of money at the war on drugs. Forfeiture laws are severe as well concerning those convicted of drug related...
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    From a paper written by Sol Lightman.... Not one case of lung cancer has ever been successfully linked to marijuana use. Cannabis, unlike tobacco, does not cause any narrowing of the small air passageways in the lungs. In fact, marijuana has been shown to be an expectorant and...
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    Eating tobacco can kill you dead. Rat poison as a common ingredient in cocaine? Naw. You have a bad source of info, there, spaz. Not that I use coke myself. But I do know a few things.... lw
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    Could Rastas and Christians Really Unite?

    Due to the differences in theology, I usually prefer to keep some details of my faith between myself and my maker. The rest is just political, imo. The holy spirit has also guided me in these matters, imo, through the sacred smoke. As long as mainstream Christians continue to view the holy...
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    Greetings from the heartland of the U$. I started a thread on the same topic yesterday. However, it was closed and I was referred to this thread. I'm a bit surprised at the direction its taken to be honest. Marijuana is a sacred gift from God, imo. A powerful sacrament that can assist in...
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    Kaneh Bosem and the Bible

    Greetings, friends. I'm new to these boards and this is my first post.... Through personal observation and study, I've come across the theory that cannnabis was once an integral component of early worship. (For instance, cannabis is reportedly mentioned in Ex. 30:23 but but some believe King...