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  1. B

    Wicca - Too Many Rituals?

    Maybe I've got it wrong, but I thought that Barefootinthegrass meant you only have to answer to yourself (in the way you do your ritual) as opposed to answering to a coven? In other words, yes, you ARE answering to the divine etc, but you are not answering to other people's opinions on the way...
  2. B

    Wicca - Too Many Rituals?

    Yes, I completely understand what you're both getting at, and agree with the majority of it. Especially the final point by brucegdc (I love the sound of your coven, but unfortunately we don't have one at all near me). That's exactly why I personally find ritual so stuffy - Wicca, like you said...
  3. B

    Wicca - Too Many Rituals?

    OK, first off, I am completely new - both to this site, Wicca itself (I was initiated two years ago but I'm still pretty much a newbie!) and to researching it's roots, so I apologise if I get anything wrong!! Basically, I've recently been thinking about Wicca and which parts of it I don't...