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  1. B

    Which wife?

    I was just doing some general research on Muhammad himself but I kept on reading conflicting reports on who his favorite wife was. It really isn’t the most important question in the world, just one I was curious about.
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    Which wife?

    I know it really isn’t the most important issue here but I’m a little bit confused but interested. Who was Muhammad’s favorite wife, Khadijah or Aisha? I’ve heard conflicting responses.
  3. B

    Before Muhammad?

    Thank you everyone! :cool:
  4. B

    Before Muhammad?

    (I'm sorry if this was asked somewhere else on the board, but I can't find it mentioned...) What did Muslims believe or follow before Muhammad? What I understand is that they all believed in the prophets such as Abraham, Noah, and so on. I also read that a little bit before Muhammad, the...
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    Questions about Judaism

    I don’t know if this has been asked here before or not. If it has, I’m sorry! :o I heard that some Jews don’t believe in a life after death, I also heard that some Jews don’t believe that their Messiah is coming or he already came (Jesus). Is any of this true? I’m really confused because I...
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    Questions about the Dalai Lama

    Wow, thanks everyone! :D ~ BluRoze~
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    Questions about the Dalai Lama

    I was reading some works of the current Dalai Lama a while ago and a few questions popped into my head. What is a Dalai Lama? How does one become the official Dalai Lama? Is the Dalai Lama a vital role in the Buddhist belief and practice? ~ BluRoze ~
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    The real beginning?

    I plan on getting a Quran soon. I'm in the midst of learning about many religions, hence the fact that I read a book about world religions. I was just confused about a few things in Islam, that's all. Thank for the information.
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    offensive or not?

    I honestly did not mean any offense whatsoever. I only asked because I had a feeling that it was offensive and I wanted to know if it really was. Now I know and now I can tell these people I know to not even utter such words. Thank you.
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    offensive or not?

    Is the phrase “Derka, Derka, Jihad” offensive? And what does it mean? I hear people say this just goofing around but I know they don’t know what Jihad really means. They just think it’s a funny word. The reason why I ask is because I know Jihad means “holy war”…but I’ve never heard of Derka.
  11. B

    The real beginning?

    I have a question, which may have been asked here already, I don’t know. What’s the beginning of Islam? Does is start with Muhammad or does it start when Abraham kicked Hagar and Ishmael out of their tribe (Geneses 21 in Christian bible)? The book that I read by Huston Smith said that it started...