Heaven without Spouses? Theosophy's view

Nick the Pilot

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Tokyo, Japan
Hi everybody!

I thought I would give everyone the Theosophical answer to the question of whether we have spouses with us in Heaven. According to Theosophy, Heaven is one big illusion. We create an entire world for ourselves, complete with images of our loved ones. These images are linked magnetically to the real person, wherever they may be. We can interact with these images as if they were real people. In this way we can both enjoy the "company" of those people, and they can continue to do whatever they are actually doing.

I was once told by a great psychic, "Heaven is one big illusion, so make it a good one!"
Guy (Robin Williams) and Girl (some chick- can't remember her name) are married. Their kids die. She becomes depressed and suicidal. Then he dies in an accident. Then she kills herself.

The afterlife is different for all of them and is an illusory world of their own creation, but they are all interconnected, though not necessarily in the same form they would have been on earth.

Really cool movie with great visual effects. Worth renting. :)
Sounds good, especially since that is what my belief system says too. (We can only wonder if "reality" was an inspiration for the film....)
Legend of the seeker has a similar concept with an underworld run by the keeper who is plotting to overthrown the land of the living who can from time to time send those in his domain back to the land of the living to do havoc.
The people who die in the living realm wake up in the underworld and resemble themselves.
pure crap, but it makes for interesting theater.
I don't accept such tripe in my belief system, but I do accept reincarnation as I see that we are energy beings who inhabit a body. and physics has shown that energy cannot be destroyed, just transformed.
God is most likely an energy being who has no form and the "spirits" are also energy.
So as energy beings we are cycling through the inhabitable realms, which just happen to be capacitors (which is what the earth is) and those are energy storage devices.
Here we undergo transformative processes.
After our life we then cycle through on to something else. Maybe back here or to another inhabitable area.
The mechanics of it are impossible for us to determine at present and I don't believe that any accounts people present are actual/factual presentations.
Plus, we have no means of verification.
But reincarnation makes more sense to me than the unprovable tales of heaven and hell and devils and angels and all that tripe.
Heaven without my wife is clearly not heaven.... If I get to live after I die (LOL!) then life without my wife would be pure torment. A president once said on his death bed.(forget what one) That the greatest and most precious jewel he could take with him into the land of death would be a kiss from his wife.... :) I like that quote shame I don't know who it was lol.

Shawn: Read the books :/ Legend of the seeker is a really bad version of 'the sword of Truth.'


According to my belief system, we will see all of our loved ones in heaven. We will see every boyfriend/girlfriend and husband/wife we have ever loved, and all of us will be happy together, without any problems like jealousy, etc. I am very much looking forward to it.
Shawn: Read the books :/ Legend of the seeker is a really bad version of 'the sword of Truth.'
Have read the books and yes they are vastly superior.
Hey......I thought you didn't like to read:confused:????? What's up with that?
A book you actually liked.....LOL:D....and....gasp.....actually read.....wow:eek:, I'm impressed.

According to my belief system, we will see all of our loved ones in heaven. We will see every boyfriend/girlfriend and husband/wife we have ever loved, and all of us will be happy together, without any problems like jealousy, etc. I am very much looking forward to it.

Oh sugar.... Ex girlfriends? Give me a ticket to the other place now. lol.

Have read the books and yes they are vastly superior.
Hey......I thought you didn't like to read:confused:????? What's up with that?
A book you actually liked.....LOL:D....and....gasp.....actually read.....wow:eek:, I'm impressed.

Well..... No I didn't read them lol! Bless audio books ;) I listened to them!
"Ex girlfriends?'

--> Yup, that's the ticket. But we won't have physical bodies, so any hanky-panky is out of the question.

In the Theosophical heaven, such negative thoughts are impossible. When we finally get to heaven (it takes a while to get from death to heaven, a process referred to in Theosophy as the second death), such thoughts will have already been burned off in what people call hell and purgatory -- the second death. (Purgatory means purge, and that is exactly what happens, all negativity is painfully purged from the person, finally allowing them to enter heaven. Alcohol, tobacco, and sex addicts beware.)

Believe me, I know how painful breakups can be. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. But I am sure you must have at least one or two happy memories of your ex-girlfriend. According to Theosophy, you will be reunited with all of those happy memories, each and every one, and it will be quite a happy experience, no matter how unhappy you are right now.
So if we're to all go there, why not cut out the middleman? Why do we have to endure "earthly negativity" if when we get up there it will not be needed or even exist?

If we are from there, and we belong there, why are we put here on Earth in human form?
Two reasons:

1. People want to be born on earth. All humans desire physical birth. (This is the true meaning of the story of the Fall.) It our desire for earthly existence that compells us to return again and again to earthly human form.

2. We must remove the seven deadly sins.
Images of the Seven Deadly Sins
How many of us can say we are free of all seven? Which is your worst deadly sin? (Mine is lust, although pride comes in a close second. I may be ready for heaven, but I am not ready for nirvana yet, not by a long shot. I have much work to do and many imperfections to remove.)
Ah we see the seven in a different light ;) Pride/Greed I guess are at the top on a parr.

I can't understand that though, if we are in essence a spiritual being, designed to live on a spiritual higher plane. Why we'd come here to this awful place, If we were not Earthly/phyiscal beings, we'd surley have no desire for it? Sure in defense this place is beautiful and an awesome place to be... Without mankind ruining it...

Are you saying that the seven are anchors? Or something? That hold us down?

and: "compells us to return again and again to Earthly human form." Reincarnation?
17, Look around you. Look at the unbelieveable examples of selfishness that we can see. Do you think these people became so selfish only after beginning their first reincarnation? No, such selfishness was an innate part all of us long before we ever took our first incarnation.

"Pride/Greed I guess are at the top on a parr."

--> I think different people have different ones at the top of their list. For me it is pride and lust. For you it is pride and greed?

"If we were not Earthly/phyiscal beings, we'd surley have no desire for it?"

--> A desire for physical experiences is exactly why we came here. Look at the average man's strong desire for sex. Our attempt to satisfy these desires is why we are here. Please remember that our coming here to try to satisfy such insatiable desires for sex, etc., is a normal part of the evolution of the universe.

"compells us to return again and again to Earthly human form." --> Reincarnation?"

--> Yes. Perhaps I was being too flowery in my description.