I just wondered what people's opinions on this were .. including polytheists and atheists. 
I think that the concept of God, the stories, the theologies and philosopies and revelations and traditions, are products of our humanity..
He also sung "God is a concept, in which we measure our pain".
What is your take on the question you pose in the thread title?
My concept of God is of a non-physical phenomena [ spiritual ] that is eternal.
An eternal phenomena cannot be created, as it just "is".![]()
Is a thought eternal, in this sense? Non-physical, uncreated, indestructible?
No one did he created himself.
My belief is that Allah is Un-created
It is a belief
We have to realise there are things we can not know..
Of course.
Nobody knows what will happen to them after they die, for example.
We all rely on God's Mercy.
..however, you've avoided the question .. who created God?![]()
From Buddhist Scriptures
At Savatthi. There the Blessed One said: "From an inconstruable beginning comes transmigration. A beginning point is not evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are transmigrating & wandering on. What do you think, monks: Which is greater, the tears you have shed while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time — crying & weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing — or the water in the four great oceans?"
If you actually read the Pali Canon, the body of texts you are quoting from, you would notice that the passage refers to the third noble truth, the Truth of Cessation - rather the opposite of a creator god by any reading standard.
You could just as well try to shoe-horn ideas of god onto the Buddhist concept of Samsara (the wandering from lifetime to lifetime, transmigration), because it, too, is without origin. From the Discourse on Tears (https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn15/sn15.003.than.html):
Doesn't sound very much like God, a reason for more tears than the oceans could hold. But it is just as uncreated, uncaused, originless as you say God to be.
If you're going to appropriate other faith's scriptures for your purposes, at least give them the courtesy of a thorough read-through.
Doesn't sound very much like God, a reason for more tears than the oceans could hold. But it is just as uncreated, uncaused, originless as you say God to be.