The British learnt about personal hygiene from the Indians then years later came to believe they imparted this along with civilisation, generally, to the peoples they colonised. What Stinkers! Queen victoria for example is known to have bathed only once a year and she was the Queen, whereas everyday Indians have long understood and practised the maxim 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' some of them bathing three times a day. Evidence of this can be seen in Indian words that have become English words such as 'shampoo' and 'pyjamas' - The Brits. didn't wash their hair and slept in their clothes apparently. Those stinking British!
Britains national dish is now rice, naan bread and curry,and 15% or Britons are now vegetarian whereas you don't get much meat and two veg or fish and chips in India. And look at the Beatles, Britains folk heroes, and their spiritual awakening reflecting a widespread shift in awareness and culture and turning towards Buddhism and Hinduism not just overtly but also within Christianity and popular culture.
The truth is Indians may have influenced the British, especially in the long term, more than the British have infuenced the Indians, just like the sea at first breaks on the rock but ultimately wears it away Indian culture has always survived invaders and ultimately absorbed them into herself.
The conclusion that the British are responcible for Indians attitude toward sex doesn't stand up because now-a-days British attitudes are very liberal. Britain has swung from one extreme to another from austerity to indulgence from shame to pride whereas India has remained more steady in her attitudes. Certainly the British did undermine Indians belief in the validity of their own culture by promoting the presumed superiority of Christianity and inferiority of other religions, this was neccessary for them to justify their presence along the lines of 'the white mans burden'. The British did build railways although these did tend to lead only from the resources to the ports.
I think that Britains class system being akin to the caste system and the fact that they were more interested in economic imperialism rather than cultural imperialism and their at least theoretical respect for the rule of law and democracy suited them to the role they played, after all the steps along the way to the re-emergence of India as the Guru of nations is all part of the Divine master plan.
Heres an analogy if Nelson Mandela hadn't been locked up and humiliated for thirty years would he have emerged as such a wise, strong, well - balanced, self - assured and organised leader. Or a better one without the demonic Ravana and Kamsa would Rama and Krishna have incarnated.
On behalf of Britain and European Christianity I would like to take this opportunity to apologise wholeheartedly for all the theft, murder, lies, torture, rape, subjugation and slavery perpetrated against persons from other continents by my forbears, by which we have grown rich, and since largely forgotten. If its any consolation we were to some extent only exporting our treatment of each other.
First we robbed you of your earthly treasures now Brits like me are helping ourselves to your spiritual treasures!