In the name of God most gracious and most merciful.
There is a wealth of history regarding the believes of people of Makkah before Muhammad, peace be upon him, given prophethood.
The history backdate as far a Prophet Abraham. Abraham sent his wife Hagar with his infant baby, Ismail, peace be upon him to the valley of Makkah when during those days is barren and have no water source. Abraham leave them as commanded by Allah. With the mercy of Allah, water sprout at the feet of Ismail, peace be upon him (whom later a prophet too).
To make the story short, the valley flourish and more people reside. Abraham later was commanded to build a building structure rectangular in the middle of the valley. He together with Ismail then build this structure and commanded people to worship Allah. This structure is what now known as Kaabah where Muslim face when performing Salaah and to go for pilgrimage when they have the means at least once in their lifetime. Abraham peace be upon him, commanded the people to circumbulate the structure as inspired by Allah. This is the house of Allah. The practice of circumbulation the Kaabah continues for hundred of years if not thousands. There is a specific period every year where people around the region will come to Makkah to perform their pilgrimage like how prophet Abraham did.
Overtime, innovations by the people started to create false gods that was carved out of stone. These idols was places around Kaabah each having their own name and specific department they are supposedly responsible for. If someone wants an offspring, they will pray to specific gods for that purpose. Idolatory flourish in this place that is suppose to be the house of Allah.
The Quraish is the arab tribe that was responsible for the administration of pilgrims during this period as such each family with the Quraish tribe have their speific area of responsibility. They includes the responsibility providing water to the pilgrims and other administrative duties. If you read the history, you can realise that there is a very organised government in Makkah during those time.
At that time idolatory is everywhere and although they still circumbulate the Kaabah, it was not performed correctly so much that they circumbulate naked. They believe that the Idols is their intermediary between them and God.
So back to your question, before Muhammad peacue be upon him, the people are polytheist.
What I was wondering was, was it called Islam before Muhammad or was Islam called something else? Was it recognized as a different religion than Judaism and Christianity at that time? Please, inform me if I’m wrong with my semi-understanding with Islam. I’m just starting to research the fascinating religion.

Thank you!
Islam means submission. It is also originate from the same root word of Salam which means peace. Muslims believe all prophets that was send call their people to the right path. That is to believe in one God and HE has no other associations. I am not sure what was it called before Muhammad peace be upon him, but the essence of the teaching is the same. Certainly it will be a religion of submission to one God, as I've mentioned above. Muslims were also taught to believe all the prophets as revealed in the Quran.
I hope this explains...
If above have errors, it is from my own ignorance and naivety, thus forgive me. For the truth, verily it is from God the Exalted.
Allah know what in our heart and He judge all his creatures justly. May Allah lead us to the straight path.