from far far away
1. All truths are gods truth.
a. If god is truth then surely all truths belong to him, this isn't just Buddhist, Hindu or Christian truth or any other given set of truths, it is all truths.
b. This must include any given truth spoken by anyone and it doesn't matter if it is spoken by god or man; a truth is a truth. So when we find a scientific or philosophical truth then these too all go into the same pot, they all belong to gods truth, we merely find ways to understand them, we don't actually 'discover' anything!
c. In this universe there are always 'new truths' occurring, there is never a time when all-truth is a whole entity – except perhaps in 'all-time'. However even gods akashik [the place of all knowledge] cannot hold every truth, there is a fundamental universal principle by which 'nothing can be entire', as 'all things belong to all things'. This is for me the beauty and magic of the world; that something new is possible.
Here's some 'truth's' that came to mind whilst thinking on this:
2. God/life gives us the whole cake, not just slices of unrealised perfection! [Z]
All possible ingredients are used to make the cake of life, it is as if it is made baked then unmade with every moment. Life is not cavernous, it strives to reach all possible manifestations leaving no stone unturned as it has to, there is no other way because the universe is a living entity whom performs universal yoga at all times stretching in all directions.
Perhaps there is a problem in seeing god and life at once and as undistinguished? yet i get tired of people blaming god for their and all the worlds ill's. Hell and the devil to me do not exist as entities unto themselves, hell is a 'state' rather than a place and i would not personify or deify this as the devil. We are in hell when we find ourselves immersed in the negative and extreme ingredients of the cake then cannot fight it, in mirroring life we all have our own lesser natures and some become them – this is not gods fault he simply provides us with the cake. What else can he do if not to constrain us in a cavern with no exit!
To find truth and god is to find yourself, or to prove god exists is the same as to prove you exist. [Z]
a. If god is truth then surely all truths belong to him, this isn't just Buddhist, Hindu or Christian truth or any other given set of truths, it is all truths.
b. This must include any given truth spoken by anyone and it doesn't matter if it is spoken by god or man; a truth is a truth. So when we find a scientific or philosophical truth then these too all go into the same pot, they all belong to gods truth, we merely find ways to understand them, we don't actually 'discover' anything!
c. In this universe there are always 'new truths' occurring, there is never a time when all-truth is a whole entity – except perhaps in 'all-time'. However even gods akashik [the place of all knowledge] cannot hold every truth, there is a fundamental universal principle by which 'nothing can be entire', as 'all things belong to all things'. This is for me the beauty and magic of the world; that something new is possible.
Here's some 'truth's' that came to mind whilst thinking on this:
2. God/life gives us the whole cake, not just slices of unrealised perfection! [Z]
All possible ingredients are used to make the cake of life, it is as if it is made baked then unmade with every moment. Life is not cavernous, it strives to reach all possible manifestations leaving no stone unturned as it has to, there is no other way because the universe is a living entity whom performs universal yoga at all times stretching in all directions.
Perhaps there is a problem in seeing god and life at once and as undistinguished? yet i get tired of people blaming god for their and all the worlds ill's. Hell and the devil to me do not exist as entities unto themselves, hell is a 'state' rather than a place and i would not personify or deify this as the devil. We are in hell when we find ourselves immersed in the negative and extreme ingredients of the cake then cannot fight it, in mirroring life we all have our own lesser natures and some become them – this is not gods fault he simply provides us with the cake. What else can he do if not to constrain us in a cavern with no exit!
To find truth and god is to find yourself, or to prove god exists is the same as to prove you exist. [Z]