Which Religoin is right?


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a figment of your imagination
I've been contemplating interfaith thought (duh) and listening to this weeks talk (Christian based) the first Adam/second Adam note struck something within me.

I've been part of a common notion that G-d or divine inspiration was/is involved in the creation of all religions. That we have one source of our supply.

But then I look at this aspect of religious consciousness growth... Out of Sun worship, and multidieties comes monotheism, and out of that comes Judaism, and out of that Christianity, and out of that Islam, and out of that Bahai...

A continual stream of prophets/divine incarnations each leading us supposedly to a higher level of understanding.

This thought leads to a divide, that the latest and greatest prophet is bringing us the latest and greatest word/message, and that somehow those in the older schools are lesser, or left behind because of that (Adam 1 put us to sleep, Adam 2 woke us up)

Then I contemplate Jesus, and the books he studied, learned, grew up on were the OT+, the Torah, the Talmud, the Midrash (and possibly the Vedas, Upanishads etc.)

He gained his enlightenment from his knowledge of those books and his awareness of his connection. The New testament was not required for him....but just maybe required for us.

So the thought....finally getting somewhere....

Every religion has a group of people it touches and enlightens due to societal consciousness, understandings, norms, and the time. But some of them it misses...and again G-d intervenes and brings in a new word, a new prophet, begets again the only begotten which can provide another level of understanding for those that didn't get it with the last bit of info.

So Hinduism is complete, Taoism complete, Judaism complete, each and everyone with indepth exploration and practice can provide enlightenment.

But not all of us could get it, enter Jesus, Mohamed, the Bab, Miester Echard, Dali Lama, Paramahansa Yogananda, Eckardt Tolle, Butch, Pattie, Pam, April...beings of light that have taken it upon themselves to assist others in understanding...

So while for some Adam.1 left something missing which was answered by Adam 2, for others it is quite sufficient (of course they are using more books than just the OT..) for a connection with the divine, an understanding of oneness, and taking thought from scripture to practicality...

And for others Adam.2, they need Adam.3, Adam.4, or... and G-d is patient enough that we will always be provided with Adam.n+1

I like your take on G-d's time progression plan. I have always believed that something like this goes on within human culture for it so much mirrors what goes on in the rest of nature.

As I pointed out to you and Caimanson elsewhere here, the order of nature is always changed by a disordering and symmetry breaking appearance of something/someone new that insists upon its proper place in the Creation. And then, with time, it is gradually looked upon as the new thingy to be increasingly followed by more traditional believers, but not without turbulence and upset. This is how I view the phenomena of most innovators of belief throughout the ages.

Okay, I have been waiting to share this. I think now may be the time.

As many of you know, I came pretty close to "dying" in the past few months. Closer than I think I have revealed. I am and will always be a follower of Christ, and I have no problem with the idea that I am covered by His blood sacrifice.

That said, if there is anything I know about the Love that invited me in, it is this: Love. I do not see a conflict in the text of the OT and the NT as far as to how Love has been revealed. And I can add that there are other traditions, which to me, don't appear to conflict with this basic message, either. To me, so much of it all goes together, and always has. I have always been able to see many layers in the Word of God as He allowed it to be given to me.

So, when I thought I was about to be taken out of this existence as I know it now, I pleaded with this Love not to take me until I could understand how to resolve this trouble in my heart over what so many people in this world claim to be true--that God is going to keep some of His beloved Creation and throw some of it away in anger and hate, just to show how Almighty He is.

Love said "yes" to my prayer for understanding.

Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love. That is all I know how to say at the moment. But it is time I said it. I know I will take some hits for it, most likely. Oh well....

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Beautiful InLove.

I feel so blessed you are here, so glad you learned something in your experience, you are such a benefit to the discussions.

I also have been troubled. Troubled often because of what we get sometimes here and in the world. If Jesus is not your lord and saviour you are going to hell. I never bought it. Now someone placed the thought that giving your sins to Jesus, allows you the get out of hell card despite your previous actions. Well I can only buy that to the point that you actually changed...but changing to me doesn't resonate with running around telling others they are going to hell.

So I have that to work on in my interfaith acceptance. Accepting that this witnessing, proslytizing, is also way to find ones connection.

But I can truly so see that the Christ concept, was and is in many peoples showing us the way...

I am so glad you are here, so glad you learned something in your experience, you are such a benefit to the discussions.
Thanks, wil. Maybe someday I can elaborate more. Or maybe it is not even necessary. Only the Timeless will tell. ;) :)

--that God is going to keep some of His beloved Creation and throw some of it away in anger and hate, just to show how Almighty He is.

Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love. That is all I know how to say at the moment. But it is time I said it. I know I will take some hits for it, most likely. Oh well....


Hi InLove,

Only an expression lacking compassion would give you any “hits”. I do not believe that any thing is going to be thrown away in anger and hate. Anger and hate are made by people, as is love and compassion. Nothing ever really ceases to exist, but changes into something else. So all things are connected. So all things are eternal.


All things in the Creation are conserved over time. Nothing is ever thrown away or banished, but is changed into the new from time to time to keep it dynamic and interesting in support of life and nature. My experiences with a near death experience and lots of other stuff have proven this to me.

It's so good to have you here among us, leading us to new understandings.

"Through Thy bestowal, Thy mercy and Thy most great favor, they became stars shining in the horizon of guidance, birds singing in the rose garden of immortality, lions roaring in the forest of knowledge and wisdom, and whales swimming in the oceans of life."
(Abdu'l-Baha, Baha'i World Faith - Abdu'l-Baha Section, p. 423)
This is a lovely thread. Thanks for starting it, wil. And thanks for the welcoming words from everyone. I am here for my own edification, as well as to share.

Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love. That is all I know how to say at the moment. But it is time I said it. I know I will take some hits for it, most likely. Oh well....

This is similar to what I believe InLove. Thank you for posting!

InLove said:
Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love.

That is a profund statement. Maybe you've hit on an element of truth, in a manner of speaking. I don't think it is so much that parts of us will cease to exist as it is that those parts will be so enraptured by His Love that they will finally accept that Love.

How much easier that will become, in whatever life awaits us beyond, depends on how much we allow that process to happen in this life. I believe there will definitely be some kind of purging of our soul.
Originally Posted by InLove
Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love. That is all I know how to say at the moment. But it is time I said it. I know I will take some hits for it, most likely. Oh well....

This is similar to what I believe InLove. Thank you for posting!

I've been contemplating this one since I read it. I never thought of our negativity being washed away so simply. While I feel that is an interpretation of Jesus's message, salvation, washing away our sins thru his sacrifice...that is also the part I've had issues buying into. That with a confession and words my deeds just disappear, and at the same time, allow me to go on as usual knowing I'll be taken care of again...and again.

Like the guy who has a heart attack, gets a bypass and doesn't change his diet, knowing science will just fix him again.

I've been more in tune to the Paul "I die daily", as I grow, I learn and let go of the negativity, let go of the old me, let go of that sinful way (one step at a time, can't get rid of them all now, I'm still quite married to some of them)

So I see it as my role, to rid myself of those things that I wish to cease to exist. And as things crop up in my life, they are often there to reidentify the areas I need to work on.

While I am referring to my struggles in the vien of Christianity as it is where I reside, I'd love to hear others comments from their perspectives.
I've been contemplating this one since I read it. I never thought of our negativity being washed away so simply. While I feel that is an interpretation of Jesus's message, salvation, washing away our sins thru his sacrifice...that is also the part I've had issues buying into. That with a confession and words my deeds just disappear, and at the same time, allow me to go on as usual knowing I'll be taken care of again...and again.

Like the guy who has a heart attack, gets a bypass and doesn't change his diet, knowing science will just fix him again.

I've been more in tune to the Paul "I die daily", as I grow, I learn and let go of the negativity, let go of the old me, let go of that sinful way (one step at a time, can't get rid of them all now, I'm still quite married to some of them)

So I see it as my role, to rid myself of those things that I wish to cease to exist. And as things crop up in my life, they are often there to reidentify the areas I need to work on.

While I am referring to my struggles in the vien of Christianity as it is where I reside, I'd love to hear others comments from their perspectives.

Exactly, wil. that is the process in God conforming us into the image of Christ. Deny self, and take up the cross. That cross is heavy sometimes and hard work. But the longer we carry it, the easier it becomes.
InLove said:
Perhaps there are parts of all of us that will cease to exist. The parts that reject Love.
That is a profund statement. Maybe you've hit on an element of truth, in a manner of speaking. I don't think it is so much that parts of us will cease to exist as it is that those parts will be so enraptured by His Love that they will finally accept that Love.

How much easier that will become, in whatever life awaits us beyond, depends on how much we allow that process to happen in this life. I believe there will definitely be some kind of purging of our soul.
How beautiful. Thank you, both of you, and thank you, wil, for your thoughts in the OP. These are things that have troubled me, too, and I have been given much food for thought in this thread.
Dondi, I like the quote from Harold Storm which you mentioned in another thread:
"The best religion is the religion which brings you closest to God."

Oh, and InLove, I'm so very glad you are still around to share your thoughts with us.
Dondi said:
I don't think it is so much that parts of us will cease to exist as it is that those parts will be so enraptured by His Love that they will finally accept that Love.

Dondi, this is even more beautiful. Thank you. Nothing eclectic about it. Only inclusive. There is something about including all that reminds me of this great Love that I know.

lunamoth--thank you for your post. I think you may know how much it means to me right now. The words I have at my command presently are not enough.

Popeye--blessings and thanks to you. I read your posts all the time--can't say that I understand all of them yet, but I understand enough.

Snoopy, flow--you know without a doubt that we shall talk in depth some more, and then some more, and then some more. And over and over again.:)

wil--you know.

Angel--what can I say? I like you even if someone supposes that I am not supposed to. ;) Make that "love you".

Scarlet--I am just so glad to see you still around here. You were one of my very first friends here. Thank you. I hope you always sing.

Well, I have gotten quite sentimental here. Good for me, that's what I say!

I keep trying to think of something more "grounded", more intellectual, more...whatever it is that seems to press at us all. But I just keep coming up with Love.

Imagine that.
