Draw your own comparative conclusions.

Buddha is christ, but has grown a beard!?
Heh, I think it shows that humanity always seeks, it see's it's problems it sees the pain and suffereing and it wants somone to follow, or someone to aspire to, a hero of sorts, You have this one man here, called gautama siddharta he has a way and a path it will set you good with the world (well it will improve your self and if all went by it, it would improve the world.) He gathered followers, who then after his passing changed it, modifed it and argued amongst one another about his teachings, you then have this other man Jesus of Nazareth, he too had "all of the above." While you're on it you also have krishna!!! Some interesting comparisions can be connected easily between him and the other two... Specially jesus.. But keeping it buddhism, christianity, there is lots you can see which look so simular..
You have the example you have given, you also have Karma... Do good and good will happen to you, do bad and bad will happen to you blah de blah, blah. And The bible? Luke 6:37 "Do not judge, and you will not be judged.. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven...." But this can be seen in any religion... Basic rules and commands...(ugh I opened it up again...) [closes it back] So buddhism and Christianity you can see that the basic rules are identical...
Udana-Varga 5:18 "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." OH... so....
Matthew 7:12 "“All things, therefore, that YOU want men to do to YOU, YOU also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean."
There is this overflowing lesson of love, joy, peace, justice, meditation and reflection, and life after death that run right trhough both of them.... And, some buddhists (like christians) believe in a return of their teacher... "miroku"
I see loads of connections between the two, but as some would say that this is cause jesus is buddha! I've seen that before, I don't think it is at all, it's just we thrive on this stuff... It is a story of hope, of growing, improving, and becoming better people.... And that is what people want and need
Perhaps it is simply a story that changes slightly and gets handed down generation to generation, culture to culture.. And it differes and it molds itself to "fit in" and offer comfort and relate with it's followers... I dunno, maybe it is... But alot of people put stock in it, and perhaps as some say all ways of love and religion lead to the same place, and perhaps they do, seeing as all these teachings seem to be from the same teacher.. (and I do not mean jesus or buddha...)
Not much going on in the forums.... So I felt like typing at least something... Heh, what, I like the sound of my keyboard going click, click, clicky, thud thud, click....