Akashic Records

Have you guys ever heard of the Akashic Records?

I came across when couple of days ago and found “them” interesting, I guess. Though, all the sites I came across speak of it saying that each person-their soul thoughts, perceptions, etc are kept in this record and we need to have some sort of vibrational energy to access and read (read?) the records. I read some on this site “Akashic Records: What are they? How do I access them? How do I read the Akashic Records?” by DestinationDeluxe (Don’t know if/when new members can post links).

Another weird definition included:

The Akashic records are a compendium of all human knowledge that can be accessed on the astral plane. According to Theosophist philosophy, the Akashic records don’t pass judgement or label actions as good or bad; rather, they simply state what has been. Knowledge of this “Book of Life” can influence our views of reality and serve as a tool of self-development.

Have you heard of such a thing before?
If you have (and believe in this) what is your take on it?


(Discussion in ‘Belief and Spirituality‘ started by Unveiled artist 24/01/2022)

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