Aksara Bhagwad Gita: a cosmopolitan paradigm for scriptural interpretations

By Haribakth Ravindra Rao

This book undertakes the process of apotheosis or deification of the Book and not without justification stating that Gita inherits the legacy of its author who is complete, infinite, and infallible and hence Gita is a sound/book incarnation of God

Gita is taken as a subject matter for case study and dissected and analyzed by correlating it with other branches of knowledge like grammar, law, Management, and logic. It offers a common DIY universal template for interpretation of scripture of any religion, philosophy, or ideology, based on logic and deriving authority from the Gita itself, guiding you to interpret on your own without having to take other’s word for it.

An inclusive and integrated model of differing views on composite religions seeking to awaken your consciousness to the singularity of God, His teachings and His progeny. A simultaneous conformist and non-conformist non-standard type of literature.

An unconventional and unorthodox book on the Bhagavad Gita. An analysis and its process rather than translation, commentary or purport distinguishes this book from any other on the subject. It simplifies the process of analysis and interpretation by identifying slokas from the Gita which has properties of patterns which are used to generalize a principle underlying the sloka. This generalized principle is termed parameter used in interpreting any slokas or understanding any incident, phenomenon, circumstance, dilemma, etc. in Vedic history or in real life. Based on their nature three elements namely Constants, Variables and dependent variable/ dependent constants are identified. These parameters are grouped according to their functions/ properties and listed below.

  • Qualifier parameter
  • Existential parameter
  • Principle enunciating parameter
  • Guiding parameter
  • Derivative parameter
  • Implied parameter

With the above, an interpretation prototype is built, which can be used to interpret any scripture / /ideology/ philosophy. The Parameters, its usage, its functions, what it does, effect of usage/non-usage of parameters etc. form the subject matter of the book.

The logic behind such identification and its justification with examples form the summum bonum of book. Dialog format within a story is adapted to make the difficult concepts intelligible and appreciable.



