Myths and Legends

myths and legends of the celtic race

TW Rolleston

Thomas Rolleston ‘s work is essentially a study of Celtic myths and tales, not of the Celtic people as a whole, but essentially of the Irish accounts that survive.

This is a very encompassing work that deals with all the major Irish stories. Chapter 5 on the ultonian Cycles is a highly recommended read, dealing as it does with the central Irish hero figure of Cuchulain. Later works tend to be badly watered down with Christian ideas, and are at thier worst when Cuchulain is visited in Hell and converted to Christianity.


Chapter 1 – Earliest references

Chapter 2 – Ireland and the Celtic religion

Chapter 3 – The Irish invasion myths

Chapter 4 – The early Milesian kings

Chapter 5 – Tales of the Ultonian cycle

Chapter 6 – Tales of the Ossianic cycle

Chapter 7 – The Voyage of Maldun

Chapter 8 – Myths and tales of the Cymry