Fallen Angels Demons and Aliens
I questioned the idea about the alien connection to fallen angels in the seventies. At the time I never heard anybody mention such a thing but found out it was an old idea. It's also an old belief that people can have a spiritual encounter and transfigure themselves from one place to another by going into some sort of heavy state of meditation, trance, and into the spirit world. The longer you stay out, the more visible you become. Then if you can handle it, if you stay out long enough, the body goes with it. Aliens, demons, and fallen angels know about this spiritualistic operating program and can program the minds of people to do this same thing into their world.
Just like there are spiritual laws of nature in the natural world as we know it, there are spiritual laws ordained by God that He uses to operate all of His creations. And angels are a vital part in the function in the operation of those spiritual laws. The different hierarchy's of angels have different capacities of power, knowledge, and responsibility and employed together in the operations of the seven spirits of God and all that God has made.
We as humans function similarly as both realms or planes are in a fallen state.
The fallen angels are still within the realm of these laws but now are in a disruptive mode due to the fall and expulsion from heaven. When they were thrown out, they went to different planets in different galaxies to continue with their life until judgment. They gathered all the natural resources available to build their ships. In the same way we as humans have fallen and developed, I think other beings of God's creations have gone a similar way.
It has been reported that people have even been in certain states between the conscious and unconscious. Why are animal mutilations occurring where the reproductive tissues of female animals are removed with astonishing precision with sightings and evidence of UFO's in the area? Why would they need this stuff?
I don't remember the name but a movie and a book was made of the incident I'm going to describe. This is a true story. Four men were leaving a logging area when they saw something hovering about 100 feet above the ground. One of the guy's decided to get out and walked up under it. The guys were yelling at him to get out of there but was eventually "caught up!"
During his absence here on earth, the other three men were heavily interrogated and all of them agreed to and passed liar detector test. What he witnessed is something we have been aware of for quite some time.
After he was there he went through some type of "admissions" so to speak and said he found himself in a hospital room type setting in a state of partial consciousness. Almost like a vivid dream but you just know that you are actually there. He could see other people laying in a pod type membrane kind of thing squirming around but unable to break free. He could see that they were trying to do things to him and fought as much as he could and was able to be very uncooperative however he still could not move much. This went on for a few days and was able to freak out and sit up when he saw a huge needle coming at him by one of the aliens who he described in similar fashion as other abductees.
After being gone for three days, when he came to when he was delivered back naked on the porch of a general store. One could ask many questions about this but the big question is why are they abducting people? And why do most if not all abductee's have very similar experiences?
They can take you right out of your bed too!
This is something I haven't discussed for a long time and it's something I actually studied for a while. The coincidences between the fallen angels and aliens is amazing. I interviewed a man who was plagued by abductions. His life was pretty much destroyed and lost everything by about 15 years of continual abductions. He said that he could hardly go out for a ride in the country without them coming and every time he had to buy a new battery. He said that the mother ships were as large as the state of Rhode Island. He said the aliens flew him over planets in other solar systems that were frozen over and told him they use to live there. The U.S. government was involved and told him to keep his mouth shut about it. Finally he went to see a priest. He told him his dilemma and the priest told him that the next time he saw them coming, to get out of his car and point his finger at them and say, "in the name of Jesus Christ and power of God almighty leave me alone!"
When it happened again, he did just what the priest said to do...and they fled!
A fallen angel becomes a disembodied spirit (demon) after they die in the body they were cast out of heaven with. When they were cast out of heaven, they went to different planets and galaxies to get the natural resources necessary to build their space ships. I think that the abandoned mine they believe there is on Mars is one of them. That's the big reason Bush gave money to fund the project of going to Mars.
Fallen angels are actually the alien beings that have been seen in UFO'S. They were thrown out of heaven just like Adam and Eve were from the garden. We were not meant to die and neither were they. After the fall of man, the human lifespan progressively decreased as time went on. Just like we grow old, so do they. As the aliens/fallen angels get older and closer to death, they start to smell like sulphur and rotten eggs. When they die, their spirits become a free roaming disembodied spirit otherwise known as demons. Just like the human race, death is attributed to the fall. Some people say that Angels don't have a body. I disagree. There's no evidence they do, and there's no evidence they don't. I say they have some type of spiritual body
There are several different hierarchies of fallen angels, and they are not all friendly toward one another.
The books of Enoch are a good source of information. I think they should be included in our bible.