Recent content by DT Strain

  1. DT Strain

    Unethical ads on this site

    I work in advertising, and in most of the larger companies we had standards on the content of ads. One of those, was that an ad could not be designed to look like it is not an ad, or be otherwise deceptive. There is a banner ad that appears on this site, which is designed to look like it is a...
  2. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Thanks BrotherMichaelSky. Good luck to you too :)
  3. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Radarmark, Yes, I'm sure we differ on many things. That's ok friend! :) I would like to clarify that, although I suspect an objective reality that acts on us, I would not say we do not act on it. We act on it all the time, just as I am acting on it by posting this message. In fact, we are...
  4. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    I'm sorry, but it makes no sense to me whatsoever. I don't know what you mean by "place of oneness" or how you can know of such a place, or how you know that technology can see it, or how you know it would involve crystals or why, or what you mean by 'merging opposites', or why uniting opposite...
  5. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Radarmark, I'm not sure I would say that experience is the "actuality". It appears that there is an objective reality which forms our environment, and our physical senses can imperfectly collect basic data about that environment, which goes into forming an imperfect mental model of the...
  6. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Hi Donnann, You seem to have quite a lot of specific beliefs about a lot of things and much of your wording sounds confusing to me. Many of the claims you are making are simply not something I have any information on. Others, such as quantum physics, are things I'm conceptually educated on, but...
  7. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Hello Smellincoffee - if I know you I'm not familiar with your screen name. But nice to see you too :)
  8. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Hi seattlegal, I am not familiar with your views, but thanks for reading :)
  9. DT Strain

    Need help!!!!: inter religious relationship

    There is no need for distress. Remember priorities... 1) Love and compassion for all beings is the foundation. 2) 'All beings' includes love for yourself, no more, no less. 3) Yet, you can only control *your* choices. You cannot control the choices of others. 4) Therefore, you have a special...
  10. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    If I may, I would like to suggest that the discourse over the last several pages is a good example of how we often do not appreciate with humility how little we really know, and perhaps more importantly, that speculations on metaphysical cosmology are not actually the same as spirituality or...
  11. DT Strain

    Epoché as a spiritual practice?

    Indeed Thomas, I think that's true. I suppose the reason for calling that out here, is to point out the important differences in a naturalistic (non-supernatural) approach *as a spiritual practice* as opposed to those who merely have a naturalistic worldview, but either (a) give it little...
  12. DT Strain

    Epoché as a spiritual practice?

    Naturalists (those without supernatural beliefs) who nonetheless wish to pursue spiritual (literally: 'essential') practices aimed at greater wisdom, equanimity, and happiness in life, can consider their approach to knowledge and claims to be a part of their spirituality - even an important...
  13. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    "The distinction is marked by those who 'take on board' what they have learned, then the message becomes simple: Love (as in agape, not eros)." --Thomas Agreed :)
  14. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    But to what end? I know I am some being of some type. I know can try various spiritual practices and cultivate mindfulness, compassion, etc. and these will make me more able to experience deeper happiness - and I can experience the efficacy of these teachings and practices. So, of what use are...
  15. DT Strain

    A naturalistic spirituality?

    Yes, but ultimately we must be somewhat humble about claims - particularly with regard to ultimate explanations. I see these cosomological speculations as entertaining, but more of a distraction to genuine spirituality than anything else.