Recent content by Aupmanyav

  1. Aupmanyav

    How would you share the Good News to the Self-Entrapped?

    What is the constraints? Constraints are created by us only.
  2. Aupmanyav

    Death is an illusion

    Not to me, Thomas. What mystery? A collection of 'skandhas'.
  3. Aupmanyav

    imagination and reality

    Your answer somewhere here: The solar system's plane is tilted at an angle of about 60 degrees relative to the plane of the Milky Way galaxy. The individual planets have relatively low inclinations, with Earth's orbit defined as zero degrees. DuckAssist However, the Sun does have an axial tilt...
  4. Aupmanyav

    imagination and reality

    Was this the definition of truth in dictionaries in his time. No. We can check it with science.
  5. Aupmanyav

    imagination and reality

    Even the dead are not dead. All their electrons are still whirring. Basically, the whole universe is alive.
  6. Aupmanyav

    How would you share the Good News to the Self-Entrapped?

    Our mothers have already delivered us. What more deliverance is required? What kind of snake-oil are you selling?
  7. Aupmanyav

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Yeah, I was being ironic, but IMHO, a birth rate of more than 2.1 (more than just replacement) should be maintained, otherwise societies do not survive. Yeah again, I do not believe that but do not also favor stagnation in population. Migrations from other cultures may lead to conflicts.
  8. Aupmanyav

    What are you currently reading?

    Just read part of the Aitareya Brahmana of RigVeda and found what it said about Heliocentricism. But during the search, I came across this reference to sun from around 800 BCE (probable date of Aitareya Brahmana). Aitareya is the oldest Brahmana text. Is this the first mention of Heliocentric...
  9. Aupmanyav

    imagination and reality

    Long post, does not clearly state what you want to convey. My friends will find what they want to read on their own.
  10. Aupmanyav

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    That is not the main thrust of my posts, which is 'need to maintain a balanced population pyramid', and the problems associated with migratios from other cultures.
  11. Aupmanyav

    Death is an illusion

    Believing in supernatural. Chat GPT: "Religious woo" is a colloquial term that often refers to beliefs, practices, or claims associated with religion that are considered to lack empirical evidence or scientific support. It can imply a sense of skepticism or criticism towards certain religious...
  12. Aupmanyav

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    1% is dangerous. It results in a nation of old people, like in Japan. New people bring their own culture which may clash with the original culture. Then, it is Chrlie Hebdo. 2024 Population Pyramids - Japan, India, Switzerland.
  13. Aupmanyav

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    True, but they survive. Of course, what Tolstoy wrote is finction.
  14. Aupmanyav

    Death is an illusion

    Subtle Energy introduces woo.
  15. Aupmanyav

    Honor thy Father and thy Mother

    Tolstoy, story about how orphans grew up and why 'angels smiled'. Read it some 65 years ago, can't remember the name. The dying father was worried about their future. But Tolstoy made them grown up by grace of God.