Nope, not a JW. I am a born again Christian. The gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of salvation are one and the same because God's plan of salvation is the same for the Jew as it is for the Gentiles.
You seem to be caught up in which "bible", which "gospel." Yet there is only one Gospel and one Word of God. If you do the historical research, you will understand how we came upon different bible versions and why these modern versions agree with the JW's New World Translation.
There is only...
Since this thread is about Mormonism, the Mormon church believes in "new" revelations and that the canon is open. This allows them to introduce new teachings without being held accountable by the bible. Thus it makes it very difficult to use the Holy Scriptures to refute them. Classic cult practice.
Predestination has nothing to do with our future having been set out for us, as our future is often dependent on our decisions in life. We don't know why some are healed from cancer through the prayers of others and why some are not. That's for God alone to know. It has to do with whether it was...
There is only one true Gospel of Jesus Chrsit. The apostle Paul taught it in it's entirety.
But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned! (Gal. 1:8)
Very strong warning.
There has never been a complete apostasy. It is impossible because Christ said he would be with the church until the end of the world. Yes, many have fallen away, but God has always had His faithful remnant. There have always been bands of Christians everywhere who faithfully taught the gospel...
Shortly after the deaths of the apostles, Christianity became illegal and forced underground. It wasn't until after 300 AD that Constantine made Christianity the religion of the state. Only then do we see the formation and organization of the RCC.
Just because we don't understand something, does not necessarily mean it isn't true. God's ways and thoughts are much higher than man's.
John Calvin taught a false predestination. That God made some for heaven and the rest are doomed for hell. That is not what the Scriptures teaches. God in His...
The RCC may have some true doctrines such as the Trinity, but the apostles never established an institution with all this hierarchy. Instead they taught that all born again believers in Jesus Christ are "ministers." All are part of the "royal priesthood."
The RCC wasn't formed and organized until after 300 AD. We did not see this elaborate hierarchy in the 1st century. Sorry, but I used to be catholic and we all prayed to Mary. That's akin to worship. She was made co-redeemer and co-mediator. The apostles taught that Jesus Christ alone is the...
Catholics were NOT the first christians. The 1st century Christians taught nothing even remotely resembling Catholicism. Where do we see the apostles worshiping Mary?
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