Recent content by Craz

  1. C

    GODS: The Fabrication of a Theistic Mind

    Correct, the Hebrew for 'to accept' is לקבל pronounced lekabel with root kbl or for the mystics qbl :)
  2. C

    How to meditate for beginners?

    Also do you remember Zen Flesh - Zen Bones? There is a very simple technique in that book which I found very useful. Be in a darkened room. Sit down comfortably and calm your mind(if necessary) by just closing your eyes and following the movement of your breath, then, when relaxed, touch your...
  3. C

    The Twin Truths for Mankind

    @EddieC I enjoyed journeying with Harold, I note with interest that things started to go a bit off for Harold(i.e. he suddenly 'became bigger') when he drew the trainlines diverging, which of course one does when representing 3D in 2D. I certain can relate the cartoon as similar to my own...
  4. C

    What is it like where you live?

    Sorry to read that about how Hackney has deteriorated. I was born there and lived there in the early 1950s and for the most part really enjoyed my early youth there. One nice memory is that every Sunday morning a vendor would come along on a tricycle selling bagels( or rather bigals as they were...
  5. C

    What is it like where you live?

    Indeed, every year a new Bard is chosen for the Druid community. For anyone interested Gorsedh Ynys Witrin | Glastonbury's Bardic College
  6. C

    What is it like where you live?

    However, in answer to question, all the gods are here drinking decaffeinated cappuccinos having satsang with everyone. The gods love it here and never leave, that's why they have neglected the world. The are lost in their own maya and not at all theistic.
  7. C

    What is it like where you live?

    I live in Glastonbury(England, UK). Population 8-9000. Many religions are present here, both in their classical forms and (what I call) new-age forms. There is one main street with about 12 cafes and about 6 charity shops, al of which are usually bustling. The population is made of of...
  8. C

    Am I the Only Person on Earth Who Believes Genesis 2:17?

    I know this in no way answers the OP, but may be of interest. Below is Genesis 3 2-4 with the commentary by Rashi. Rashi says that the woman lied to the serpent by adding to the words God spoke , i.e. and you shall not touch it, He then says that the serpent made her touch the tree and she...
  9. C

    How did a Hindu became an atheist.

    I always thought that this verse meant that God is simply the life-force itself, i.e. our breath and its movement.
  10. C

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    Quoting from scriptures won't work on me as they hold no authority for me. All my realisations have come from within and I go through many changes and could say I am born again every day. No god or guru. Peace & good wishes to you.
  11. C

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    What is killed in this metephor is the person feeding off thier spiritual potential, as they have not become alive in the spirit. In the material world both the host and parasitic plant die. The only difference between a theist and an atheist is one of belief. Belief or non-belief exists only...
  12. C

    Unification of all religions: The four heavenly items Chapter one (The basics)

    I didn't understand it at first because I couldn't believe what I was reading. However, after re-reading, I see that I did get it. What the metaphor says is that atheists are like parasites, i.e. sucking the sustenance from God but denying the giver. This teaching is hateful and prejudicial...
  13. C

    The Truth: The Mathematical Proof of God, The Holy Trinity.

    It's a bit like the 'Bible codes' thing which was refuted.
  14. C

    When adverts were enjoyable. Remember this ?

    I found the first one, the second one said 'video unavailable', prbably because I am in the UK.
  15. C

    When adverts were enjoyable. Remember this ?

    I found it on youtube, but couldn't find the other one.