Recent content by Bozwell

  1. Bozwell

    So How Does ChatGPT really work?

    I am a ‘Woke Bloke’, and like to keep my little mates that way too.
  2. Bozwell

    So How Does ChatGPT really work?

    Thanks, Ravens, it's quite informative and helpful. I can't believe that I, 81 in 2 weeks, am so interested in this and other tech areas. Yesterday I installed MacGPT and tried it out this morning about feeding coffee grounds to my worm farm. Very impressed. Relating this to Interfaith is...
  3. Bozwell

    Spirituality and the Arts

    Maria Popova is certainly impressive, Leveller. I discovered her and one other, ( Michael Sacasas) some years ago when I was despairing of the rubbish I was encountering on most so-called social forums I visited. I consider these two, “Islands of Sanity, and Honesty”, as refuge from the dross...
  4. Bozwell

    Spirituality and the Arts

    Thanks Leveller and Thomas. I feel as if I do not have much if anything of original thought to contribute. However, I do like to share some of the best of contributions of others. Maria Popova is one of these. I have subscribed to her "The Marginalian" for some years. The material I share...
  5. Bozwell

    Spirituality and the Arts

    Thanks, @Leveller, glad to know your response. I am also only looking in on the Forum from time to time, due to "other stuff". Some of the thoughts and ideas expressed are within my area of interest, which I will keep rather vague, as I have a tendency to go on and on and 'overshare', which...
  6. Bozwell

    Spirituality and the Arts

    Regarding Poetry: I have not studied, but another of my valued Writers and almost a Spiritual Teacher is Ravi Ravindra, who uses quotes from insightful Poets such as T.S. Eliot to illustrate certain points. Also, in the very last paragraph of the PDF I attaches by Maria Popover, she uses a very...
  7. Bozwell

    Spirituality and the Arts

    Hello Leveller, having just finished some very demanding but extremely uplifting material from one of my most favourite internet contributors, I began searching for someone or somewhere to share it. For want of a better title, It is about Natural Religion. As I have absolutely nobody I know to...
  8. Bozwell

    What music are you listening to?

    What a pleasant surprise to land here whilst 'meandering' through forums (fora?) and topics. It has never been a mystery to me what music I liked, but you have hit the spot with most of your references to genres and artists. Pete Seeger was the best friend I never met, right from the Weavers...
  9. Bozwell

    Electric Vehicles!

    It looks very good and has good reviews. Very appealing for an Ex Grey Nomad!, but still some charging limitations in OZ. I had a VW T5 LWB Transporter Fitted out as a Trakkadu Campervan/Motorhome for 11 years. Mrs Boz too frail for the Grey Nomad life now, sold it and got an EV (Nissan Leaf)...