Recent content by Namaste Jesus

  1. Namaste Jesus

    What music are you listening to?

  2. Namaste Jesus

    Joined today.

    Namaste 🙏
  3. Namaste Jesus

    Do you listen to audiobooks?

    Not per se, but the old eyes aren't what they use to be, so I often use text to speech to have online stories read to me. The AI voice I chose is English with a female Indian accent.
  4. Namaste Jesus

    5 reasons clowning is on the rise:

    Benny Hill stands out for me.
  5. Namaste Jesus

    If prayer works

    It is because prayer works there are such things. 🙏
  6. Namaste Jesus

    What music are you listening to?

    I've had some success using a VPN to view region specific vids. The ones with global location choice work best.
  7. Namaste Jesus

    What music are you listening to?

    Sure, we all have different tastes and appreciate music on different levels. What makes one genre superior to another is completely subjective though. As a former musician, aside from hip hop and rap, I have an appreciation for all music. But even those I don't particularly care for, I can still...
  8. Namaste Jesus

    What music are you listening to?

    Just because you don't personally like it, doesn't make it trash. There's no call to insult others or their works. The wife and I love it. It's a fun party song that was often played at both Indian and Fijian weddings in her country.
  9. Namaste Jesus

    What music are you listening to?

    This came out a few years ago. Was #1 on Hindi radio in Fiji for a while.
  10. Namaste Jesus

    What Movie/TV show tracking app are you using?

    With my crazy setup, I can sometimes receive a distant station's audio signal even if the video part is too weak to display.
  11. Namaste Jesus

    What Movie/TV show tracking app are you using?

    I use this. 54 feet off the ground, all the network and local TV I want, free from 4 states! Then there's this little thing called the internet, allows me to watch TV and movies from around the world. No membership required. 😁
  12. Namaste Jesus

    Aussie Thoughts RIP

    Sceencap from that promo. Forgot Aussie posted that here once.:)
  13. Namaste Jesus

    Aussie Thoughts RIP

    Thing about Aussie, no matter how I down I was, he could always make me laugh. Well, he just did it again. So there I am felling melancholy, reminiscing about days gone by and I decide to pop in an old DVD Aussie and I made nearly 20 years ago. I had forgotten that some of our early vids...