Sorry, the words colored by me in blue above are not in the text of Quran, but the argument by the poster, I understand. Right?
I will therefore give the text in original Arabic and its translation in English by Sher Ali:
مَا قُلۡتُ لَہُمۡ اِلَّا مَاۤ اَمَرۡتَنِیۡ بِہٖۤ اَنِ اعۡبُدُوا...
" According to the New Testament "
The " Book of Jonah " is in the Torah (Prophets), so while referring to the event of Jonah the most relevant and appropriate is Torah+ Prophets, I understand. Right, please?
" Jonah was effectively dead, in the belly of the whale"
Not very correct, one could say that Jonah was virtually or proverbially near-dead yet very much alive, please:
"Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a large fish, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights.[12]*...
I understand that there could be more than 30 reasons/arguments from the 4-Gospels that suggest that
" Jesus did not die on the Cross", please:
65 Reasons to Believe Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross
About Jonah it is said:
He was Assyrian, he was Hebrew, he was Jew, and he was Jewish.
How to distinctly distinguish between the above?
How to reconcile them in one person?
Quran has an elaborate system of inheritance for material wealth ; with no favor granted to the first-born.The spirituality of a prophet has got nothing to do with inheritance; that has to be acquired individually; and does not go to the wrong-doers.
I think you understand me correctly.
The Prophets of G-d leave inheritance in ethics,morals and spirituality; if their off-spring hold on to these things; other things they are provided for by G-d. If they indulge in evil things, they inherit nothing.
The question of the inheritance of the flock has to be taken from Abraham. How much it was and how it was divided in inheritance to the off-spring?
I don't agree that Isaac was the first born. Ishmael was the first born.
Jacob and all of his son shifted to Egypt to live with Joseph...
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